
1.6K 237 71


The WriteForYou campaign is to help support writers to stop thinking about what others want to read and write something that they enjoy writing.
Many of us simply write for the enjoyment of others. And while that's great, writing should be something that you look forward to, not dread doing.
So, stop worrying about the reads and votes and write for you!


To show your support you can simply add the hashtag #writeforyou to your 'about' here on wattpad.
You can also add the campaigns official sticker to your story!
(link is in the account bio)


Let's face it, we're all guilty of stressing over how many reads and votes our books have.
We write genres we wouldn't normally write in hopes of drawing attention to our account. We spend hours writing and hoping that it's enough to please our readers, and we forget that writing is supposed to be something that we enjoy doing.
I'm guilty of it, you're guilty of it, we're all guilty of it.
The first year that I was on Wattpad I started a story. It was going great. After just over a week I reached  3k reads and 250 votes. I was ecstatic! And then the writers block settled in.
It was then I realized that I had been writing a book simply for the reads and votes; I wasn't enjoying it at all! Now, almost two years later, after deleting the book and deciding I wanted to write for myself, I finally enjoy writing.
It's no longer something I dread.
I look forward to coming home and sitting down with my laptop to write.
Yeah, the votes and reads are great, but is it really worth being unhappy?
I can assure you that it is not.

Feel free to ask any questions!

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