Ch.1: Setting The Stage.

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She has been venting all of her stress to me since she was a child, and I would sit there; frozen in time. To her I was "a statue with a kind heart". I was the only person who listened...

"I swear if one more stuck up, asshole thinks he can buy me like some kind of trophy I'm going, I'm gonna, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhh..." Her rants usually ended with incoherent screaming, but as long as she didn't actually kill her suitors... It doesn't matter.

I think her name is... Melody...

"I wish you could scare them off. It would help sort out the good ones..." Melody began to drawn her stone friend as she spoke. A soft growl echoed through the cavern.

She giggled. "Of course only with your permission. I'd bet you'd choose better than father can."

If I chose, your suitors would piss themselves, but I guess that would help sort out the brave.

She was a skilled artist, so her drawing was finished quickly. "All done with today's drawing! What do you think?" She held up her drawing. Today it was a portrait of me.

This one makes me look like I'm kind; quite the accomplishment if you consider rather my draconic appearance.

"What should I title it... What did that one book say? "Death's only fear"? It's a little edgy, but I like it." She titled her work, and placed it with the others. She kept them hidden wedged in a gap between my claws.

"I'd better get back to my father, he'll freak out if he finds out I ran off without any guards. See you tomorrow, Fahdon!" She skipped away to the passage leading to her castle.

Fahdon, 'friend' in a dead language. I wish she wouldn't call me that. As for the lack of guards; I'd be pissed, too, if I were her father. At least I can protect her here. It's weak, but I can still channel magic. Speaking of which I should put a protective shield on today's drawing...

The hours passed, and Fahdon waited for his next visit. But it wasn't Melody, next came a man in dark clothes. His face was covered, and he had knife on his belt.

You smell like blood. You're an assassin, but who are you hunting?

"She'll be here any moment now..." the assassin hid behind a nearby boulder, and waited.


Melody walked quietly out of the passage.


Melody stopped, she could feel Fahdon urging her to leave. Unfortunately, she didn't understand.

"Heh, even here I feel like I should leave." Her eyes we're red; she's been crying. Another argument with her father I assume. "There's an army coming, and I don't know what to do... Father is preparing for war, but I'm just not ready. I.. I'm-" She was cut off by the assassin leaping out.

"-am going to die here?" The assassin lunged forward, swinging his knife.

Melody stumbled and tripped. She screamed, but without her guard she was helpless.

"I WON'T LET YOU TOUCH A SINGLE HAIR ON HER HEAD!" Fahdon roared as his curse crumbled before his rage. He launched stone scales all over the chasm as he crushed the assassin into paste.

Their hearts were racing. Neither Fahdon, or Melody could comprehend what just happened.

Fahdon couldn't bring himself to look at her. She probably felt betrayed, after all she had vented her deepest darkest secrets to him. To find out he was alive must be-

Fahdon's thoughts were interrupted by Melody's sobbing. She was crying her eyes out. She was inches away from losing her life, but it was also tears of joy. He was real. Fahdon, her closest friend, was real.

Jeez, your a sobbing mess. Come here... I'll put you somewhere safe, and make the bad guys go away... forever.

She was reaching for him like a child would. She had no strength in her legs, so he nuzzled her onto one of his paws.

There should be guards on the bridge above. I'll let them guard you as I eradicate the enemy forces.

It barely took a minute for Fahdon to reach the brige. The guards didn't have a chance to react, but they didn't need to. Fahdon handed them the princess. They quickly escorted her back to the castle, and Fahdon began his assault.

I hope your ready for the hellfire that is my wrath.

Fahdon sprinted to the opposite end of bridge, and slapped the ground. Massive chunks of earth rose to block the bridge.

Why... why did you attack her?

There were thousands of warriors marching across the plains. He was the only thing stopping them from crossing the bridge.

So, you're the idiots who thought it would be good idea to attack my princess? My Melody?! THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!

Fahdon took as deep a breath as possible, and unleashed his wrath. It only lasted a second, but the beam of plasma melted much more than it touched.

Soldiers nowhere near the beam were incinerated by the heat, and those who were in the way turned to ash instantly. The dead, dry grass carried the flames quickly to the remaining forces.

Burn. Burn for your crimes against my family... He took another deep breath. I... I should put out the fires before they get out of hand...

Fahdon slapped the ground again, but this time ice began spreading all around him. It was slow compared to his earlier magic, but if he chilled the air to quickly it could be dangerous.

The wall behind him crumbled under the stress of freezing, but the bridge was intact. The guards of the castle were dumbstruck by the destruction.

"Q-quickly men! Report the situation to the Commander! He needs to see this!" A guard shouted to his comrades. Soon the castle guard were in a frenzy.
Hmm, it'll be difficult to find Melody in this state. I wonder if that shrinking spell works?

Fahdon cast his magic, and he shrunk to the size of a house cat.

He approached one of the guards. "Where is Melody? The girl I brought; where is she?"

"P-Princess Melody is in the hospital tent. She was in a panic, so we-" Fahdon ran off before the guard could finish, and sprinted to Melody.


He found her sitting on a bed, and talking to a nurse.

Thankfully, Fahdon resisted the urge to love-tackle his princess, and quietly crawled onto her cot.

Melody, unlike Fahdon, didn't hesitate to grab him. She held him until she fell asleep.

He decided then and there, from this point on I shall protect this child at all costs.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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