Chapter 2
Johnny smiled grimly. "Beth has always been wird around strangers. We don't really get many around here, only on sports days, and even them we sort of know... she'll get used to you."
She bit her lip. " I hope so."
Annie and the lab rats all sat around a low table. She had made sure to pick the floor cushion furthest away from Beth. "So where'd you guys all come from?" she asked, looking up from her steak and salad.
The mood shifted and turned slightly uncomfortable in the space of a few seconds. It was Jack who replied. "Oscar, Beth, me and Johnny have unknown pasts. I don't think the directors will ever tell us because it might interfere with the emotional part of the experiment. You know, interfere with our goals and muddle up how we go during the challenging bits. And as for Tiff and Xanthe... I'll leave it up to them to tell you. Both girls shot him grateful smiles.
Okay then, but why are we particular people chosen? I mean, I'm nobody very special so why would they choose me?"
Xanthe pushed her empty plate away and studied Annie with piercing eyes. "Annie, have you ever noticed that you were...different?"
She shook her head, feeling uncomfortable as all their gazes rested upon her "Well, no not really. Okay, all this weird talk is starting to freak me out now. What's going on?"
"Well, you see, sunshine, the experment directors like to choose people who will make the experiments more... how should I put this....? Interesting," answered Oscar.
Annie recalled that these were the exact words of Ms Tuskin in the cafe.
"C'mon, little miss homeless. Surely during your long nights on the streets you must have noticedsomething". As Beth spoke she snapped her fingers, and a little flame appeared hovering just over her finger tip.
Annie saw it and smirked "Okay nice trick guys, now where's the hidden lighter?"
"Oh, that was no trick." This time Annie watched in awe as a smirking Beth pointed to a red beanbag on the far side of the huge room. It suddenly burst into flames.
Annie yelped in surprise, scuttling away from the flames even though they were more than ten metres away. "What the f--"
"Language!" Xanthe chastised. " And yes, you guessed it, Beth can control fire. This is the reason we're here. We all can do something out of the ordinary. The directors don't even think we're human, which is why we are in the experiment. The next thing we have to do is find out your powers, Annie." Secretly Xanthe was cursing herself. This was easier said than done.
Annie gaped at her dumbly. " powers?" She stuttered. All this was lots to take in. "That's ridiculous!" You guys are all crazy!" She stood up and walked briskly towards the semi-visible door she had entered this weird white world from. She wanted out. No time for any of this stupid powers nonsense.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her head, like something was grabbing her brain, and she collapsed to the ground. She heard a loud exclamation behind her and once the horrible pain in her head subsided she rolled over to see Xanthe kneeling on the floor and staring at her intently, her chest heaving with her heavy breathing.
"What are you doing, Xanthe? You're hurting her, idiot!" Tiff cried out.
"Her powers are still locked!" Xanthe grunted. Beads of sweat begun to appear on her forehead. "That's why she hasn't noticed anything! I have to unlock them," she cried like a crazy person. She locked eyes with Annie, who suddenly felt the worst pain of her life.