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I looked closely at my face in the reflector, examining every inch of it, making sure that I looked perfect. I leaned back, grabbing the cold metal of my allotted hairbrush, pulling it gently through the waves of my tangled brown hair, grimacing when it pulled at my scalp.

Usually, I didn't make such a fuss about my everyday appearance, just tying my hair in a loose braid over my shoulder, but today is different. Today is my 16th birthday, the day that my twin brother and I come of age. In all of the districts, the day you turn of age is the day you are Judged by the Council to determine your Occupation. They base it off of a series of mandatory tests, as well as your behavior that they have observed through security tapes and your dreams. Although I am aware that they see me every day, on this day, the day my fate is decided, I dress to impress.

When I have tamed my wild locks into something slightly more presentable, I reach for the black, knee length dress with a colorful floral pattern on the skirt and pull it over my head. I then step into the white flats I have chosen to wear for today, and spin in a circle, enjoying the silky feel of the soft fabric as it swishes around my legs. Stopping, I smile charmingly at my reflection, practicing how I will introduce myself in front of the Council.

" Good Morning, Council," I say. "My name is Caroline Ryte. I am from the Andela District, and I want to be a Dream Reader because I am interested in helping people stay healthy."
I speak clearly, trying very hard to enunciate well and to pronounce everything correctly. Not good enough. I sounded immature, childish, even, with that opening statement.

    "Felicitations, Council-" I start to say, but am interrupted by a loud banging on the bathroom door.

       I glance at my reflection one last time, then cross the expanse of white tile and turn the worm brass doorknob. Sebastian bounds into the bathroom, holding a black and white tie in one hand and a pair of shiny dress shoes in the other. I smile to myself, shaking my head at his antics, then walk down the narrow staircase leading to the front door. Moments later, he comes sprinting down the stairs at breakneck speed, his tie knotted neatly.
    "GET A MOVE ON PEOPLE!" He yells, even though I'm mere feet away from him. " I DONT WANNA BE LATE FOR MY ONE AND ONLY JUDGEMENT DAY!" I roll my eyes at him, saying," There's no need to shout, idiot. And it's my Judgement too, Sebastian. And it's also all the other 16 year olds who share a birthday with us on Govern Day's Judgement."

     Govern Day is a celebration that marks the date, in 2057, 1000 years ago, when our ancestors came together to create our beloved Company, composed of the twenty-two districts, Andela District being the eleventh of them.

      I step out into the bright sunlight, standing carefully as to not muss my dress. Taking a dainty step forward onto the artificial grass, I touch my temple lightly to activate my Communicator, a small microchip implanted into the base of my neck that  is connected to my optical neurons and my brain, allowing me to use it and see the "screen" in front of me without anyone else seeing. I make a few small movements of my eyes, and just like that, I have called a transporter to my location. A few moments later, a large hoverbus stops in front of me, the glossy automatic doors opening silently.
     "Where to?" asks the transporter sitting at the wheel.
   "Council Hall," I reply crisply. "Today's my Judgement."
"Ah." The driver gives an approving nod. "I should 'ah known, yer all dressed up an' lookin' fabulous."
I immediately blush beet red, mentally cursing my fair skin. Mumbling a 'thank you' over my shoulder, I walk swiftly down the aisle towards the back, where Sebastian is sitting, a glazed look over his eyes telling me that he is playing games on his Communicator.

      I sit down on the cold, plastic seat as the hoverbus lurches away, nudging Sebastian with my shoulder, attempting to tear his attention away from his Communicator. It's fruitless. Sebastian is a technological genius, and nothing gets between him and an electronic device. He wants to be a Techie, which is slang for 'Technological Creator'. 

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