The Coffee Shop. (Boyfriend's, Minwoo Love Story.)

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A/N- Hello everyone! This chapter may be a little confusing because of the two point of views but I have decided to write the story in first point of view! ALSO I do NOT speak Korean, I just look up the words/ sayings in Korean so if you catch something wrong please tell me! Thank you! c:

Translation for Korean words at the end of the chapter!

(3rd POV)

Yoona opened the door to the Cafe, a small bell rung above her as she proceeded to walk in. The shops arouma of coffee filled Yoona's nostrils as she felt herself smile a bit.

"Now this is my kind of place." She spoke quietly to herself. Yoona had always loved coffee shops, they always made her feel harmonious. No place ever felt so happy and inviting. She never really knew why she loved coffee shops...hell, maybe it was only because of the coffee!

Walking over to the counter to order she smiled at the woman infront of her. "annyeonghaseyo." She bowed.

Even though she was from America, her parents taught her the Korean language. She was thankful for knowing it. Considering she was born American and her parents weren't exactly born in America. They were born in the town she was in now, Seoul, Korea.  The woman bowed back and asked her for her order.  Like always Yoona ordered an Iced Chocolate Frappecino with whipped cream. She paid for her drink and found a table to sit at.

(1st POV)

Loud laughter errupted from the back of the cafe, six boys were looking up to a boy who frowned looking down at his shirt. "That's what you get for not keeping your side of the deal!" One of them laughed. The others followed as the baby faced boy got out from his seat. "You guys are so rude." He spoke, his voice very aeygo. Seconds later my order was ready, I walked up to the counter and thanked them as I grabbed my drink. As I turned around a body collided with mine.

"YAHHH!" I yelled frustrated as my drink landed half on the floor, and half on the mysterious person.  A small blotch of cold coffee found my shirt as well. I then looked up to see the boy from moments ago. I tried my hardest not to laugh but I ended up laughing quite loud..

"Aigo! Not again!" The boy whined, his brown eyes looking at his now completely soaked shirt. "I'm so sorry!" He spoke looking up to me,he grabbed a napkin and handed it to me. I thanked him and looked back up at him after I wiped off the coffee on my shirt. My brand new was expensive too. My attention found the boy again who looked at me and blinked twice as he waited for my reply.

"Ahhh, no problem! I'll just buy a new one." I smiled.

The boy sighed and shook his head. "No no, I'll buy it for you. I'm sorry about your shirt. I always have to be so clumsy.. But first uhm... I have to head to the car. My pull over is in there. Guess I have to wear that.." He mumbled.

"No really really it's-"

"Please uhmm..." The boy stared at me for a moment untill I realized what he was looking for. 

"Yoona." I spoke.

Yes, Yoona, I want to pay, it's the least I could do." 

Before I could say another word he bolted out the door. I sighed and bent down picking up the now empty plastic cup and lid. An employee walked over, a mop in his hand. I bowed  "Kamsa-Hamida." The employee nodded and picked up the spill.

I walked over to the trash can, throwing away the empty cup and the lid.


"YAHHH!" I yelled in fright. My hand found it's way to my heart. "Goodness you scared me." I spoke, my eyes wide.

The boy laughed. "By the way Yoona, I'm Minwoo. Nice to meet you." He bowed. I bowed along with him and his eyes lit up.

Something about him seemed so familiar, thing is, I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

"What do you want to drink Yoona?" He asked looking over at the counter. I gave up, telling him my order. He paid and I thanked him, but also apologized for getting my drink on his shirt.

"N-no problem." He stuttered, a light blush on his cheeks.

"MINWOO! We gotta go!" One of his friends shouted.

Minwoo nodded, "Alright!" Minwoo looked back up at me and smiled. "Nice meeting you Mi Cha."  I nodded and watched Minwoo as he ran off, jumping on one of his friends backs, an "Oof!" from his friend as they exited the coffee shop.



Annyeonghaseyo- Hello!

Aigo-  Used to describe frustration, annoyances.

Kamsa Hamida- Thank you

Aeygo- act of being cute, in a cute way

Tell me what you think? :D

Thank you! <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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