Chapter 41

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The song above is the song Nicole sings for Nicolas and that is how her voice sounds like.

I grab Nicolas hand and run out the cafeteria. When we're back at the gym I tell Nicolas I'm gonna sing a song for him. He insists he wants to sing with me and that he can do a freestyle rap. We agree on our parts and we get on the stage. (Start the song)

We sing together and we have a great time. When we're done singing they announce the prom king and queen.

"May I please have your attention. I am going to announce the winners for 2016 prom king and queen" Says the principal.
"The winner for prom king is......Nicolas Jones!" Everyone claps and cheers as I give Nicolas a hug before going up to the stage.
"Last but not least.....the winner for prom queen is.....Nicole Jefferson!" Everyone claps and cheers and Maddy and Matt congratulate me before I go up the stage.

When I get up on the stage the vice principal puts the crown on my head as they did to Nicolas too. They also hand me flowers and take pictures of me and Nicolas. After the pictures Nicolas asks the principal to take pictures with his phone. So Nicolas hands the principal his phone and I give my phone to the vice principal to also take pictures of me and Nicolas. After me and Nicolas take pictures we decide to also take pictures with Matt and Maddy and Nicolas crew. After those pictures the vice principal hands me my phone and the principal hands Nicolas his phone. many pictures!

In school they have this tradition were prom king and queen have to dance in the middle of the room. So they play a song and me and Nicolas start slow dancing on the dance floor.

"I love you" Nicolas whispers in my ear. I smile and say "I love you too baby boy"
"Baby boy? " he whispers and chuckles.
"Your my baby" I pout.
"No. I'm your man" I smile and roll my eyes and he smiles.

After the dance , prom is over and everyone leaves to get ready(picture above) for the after party at Nicolas house. Me and Maddy go to my house to get ready. "I can't believe that our high school life is gonna be over after tonight. "Maddy sighs. I sigh and say "I know" I pull her into a hug and smile at her after I pull away. I frown and say "We'll be okay" she nods and we go outside and drive to Nicolas house.

When we arrive to his house Maddy already gets all excited and runs inside and starts to dance. I search for Nicolas but I don't see him. Oh well. I'll probably see him later.

"You look hot" says Nicolas as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and leans his head on my shoulder. I chuckle and say "Thanks" he starts kissing my neck and I turn around and kiss his cheek. He frowns and pouts and says "Why didn't you kiss my lips?" I laugh and peck his lips. He smiles and hands me a soda.

I go to the bathroom and when I open the door I find 2 people making out and the girl with no shirt on. I quickly close the door with my eyes as big as a tennis ball and when I turn around I see Nicolas laughing.

"Come on babe" he says as he leads me up to his room.
When we get there I lay down with him and we cuddle.
"Isn't this better than being down there?"
I nod as I play with his huge hands.
He kisses my cheek and rubs my tummy.

When the parry is over we go back downstairs and we wait for everyone to leave and I stay with Nicolas to help him clean.
"You don't have to help baby girl. Go home and get some sleep"
"Nope" I smirk.

When we're done cleaning I decide to sleep over since it was late at night.


I feel someone rubbing my arm and when I wake up I find Nicolas smiling at me."Hey" I say in a morning voice.
"Wheew girl go brush your teeth. You have morning breath"
I laugh and playfully punch him in the arm.

I stand up and brush my teeth. Nicolas goes to the kitchen to cook. When I'm done I go down stairs to eat.

"Hey Nicole" Mrs. Jones says.
"Goodmorning" I greet politely.
"Goodmorning" Mr. Jones says.
Nicolas sister waves because she has her mouth full of food.
"Nicole tell them the good news" Nicolas says as he looks at my hand. Oh he wants me to show them the ring. I stand my hand out in front of them and as soon as they see the ring they gasp and Nicolas mom and sister squeal and jump put their seats to hug me. Nicolas dad and hugs Nicolas and than hugs me.
"Congratulations to the two of you!" Mrs. Jones says.
My phone rings and I see the ID number and it's my mom.

"Hey mom. What's up?"

"I received a bunch of college mails with your name on them"

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes. I think they're good news since they're pretty big"

"I'll be right there!"

I hang up and tell Nicolas that my college mails arrived.
"Oh let me check if you got some" Mrs. Jones says as she walks to the door and checks for the mail.
"Yup. Look at all of this! " she says as she brings big packets.
"Well let's go to your house and we'll open them there" Nicolas says looking at me.

We drive to my house and when we get there I run inside and go to the living room where mom and dad and Nick are are waiting for us. I sit down and see my mail on the coffee table. Me and Nicolas open our letters and drumroll please...... we got accepted in all of them!! I knew our hard work would pay off.

My parents and Nick congratulate us about college and that we're engaged. Yes I showed them my ring. Later we go to my room and talk about about which college we're gonna go to. We got accepted to all of them with a full scholarship. We have 11 colleges we can go to but we have to choose one.

1 week later......

After a whole week we decide to the college we're attending to. I'm so glad we get to go together. Matt and Maddy are going to the same college me and Nicolas are going to. Nick is going to a different college from me but he's going to the same one his girlfriend is going to but sadly that's in another state so I won't see him much.

Me and Nicolas are moving to Washington DC and we live in Chicago Illinois so we'll be moving kind of far but my parents we're happy for us since we're going to one of the best college in the US. I'm studying for doctor and Nicolas is studying business.

3 months and 2 weeks later.....

Today is Monday. These past 3 months me and my family went to California and spent the whole summer together since I'm gonna move to Washington DC. Oh and me and Maddy are gonna live together in an apartment! And Nicolas is gonna live with 2 guys from his crew that are gonna go to another college but in Washington DC. Lastly , Matt is gonna live with his friend in a apartment also.

Me and Maddy sit at my homework desk and we start to look for apartments in my computer.
"How about this one?" Maddy says as he points to it.
"Too expensive" I reply and scroll down.
"Nicole .. we're rich. We can pay for it."
"No. I want to do this on my own I don't want to depend on my parents money. I want to actually get a job and be an adult I'm 18 already. Soon to be 19" Maddy sighs and agrees.
"How about this one?" I ask as I click on it. "1 bedroom , 1 bathroom , a living room and a kitchen"
Maddy looks closely before she answers.
"Looks good. And the price isn't bad" she nods and turns to looks at me.
"Okay! I'll make the call!" I say as I stand up and get my phone out.

After I make the call I go back in the room and squeal.
"We got it!"
"Foreal?!" Maddy says as she gets up for my bed.
"Yeah!" We jump on the bed in excitement and suddenly mom comes in.
"Girls what is going on? There's so much noise"
"We got our apartment! " I squeal.
Mom's eyes widen and also squeals and jumps on the bed with us.
"Guys what's going on?" Dad asks as he comes in the room with Nick.
"We got our apartment!" Me and Maddy say together.
Suddenly dad and Nick are also on the bed jumping. I'm so happy! I have to tell Nicolas.

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