Entering a new world

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Why did I do this again living here on a marble floor unable to move watching all the friends that I have meet along the way fight to protect themselves and the one person that I fell in love with living by my side and not moving anywhere even when there were dozens of monsters attacking use yes I know this is not real but as some one close to me once told me before I started playing this stupid lost MMO it is possible to die in the real world if you die in game and ever since then I have never died to a monster or a player killer I may have come close a few times but that's all I have done I have never hit zero hp as I trusted the person who told me not to die I trusted my younger brother,but let me take you back to the beginning of this story and show you how life was like before the lost MMO was shown to me and my younger brother Joel,
"Big brother are you coming to play now or not "
"I'm on my way just give me a moment"
This is where my brother Joel and my story begins listen well as we may not retell this story
"Ok let's go Joel what you want to play bro?"
"How about hide and seek "
"With two of us"
"Well three if we count how bad you are at this game "
"Fine let's see whoever loses has to do the chores"
"Ok deal little brother"
"You hiding or seeking?."
"I will seek up you gage"
"Ok count to 20 and I will hide "
"I know gage now go hide"
"Just checking you remember the rules"
"Alright I got it"
As the brothers separated they didn't think it would be the last time that they would see one another.Gage was now hiding far away from where him and his brother Joel had started playing when he noticed a man walking causally along the path and picking unsuspecting people pockets but when gage saw this he walked away from where he was hiding and started to walk towards the man that was picking people's pockets but as gage reached the man he reached in to the mans pocket and pocketed him of all he had just stole but the man had noticed too late as gage was already gone back to his younger brother. As Joel ran around the corner looking for his brother there was a massive thud as Joel and Gage had just ran in to each other with a tremendous force all Joel could do was murmur "found..you...gage... I.. Win."as the brothers sat up Gage smiled at his little brother and showed him what he was hiding in his pockets there were five different wallets that all had money in them more then the brothers had seen since they were living in the care home "how did you get all of those wallets Gage"
"Easy I picked a thefts pocket in the park and he didn't catch me"
But at that moment the thief stepped out from around the corner and smiled at the brothers
"Nice collection you have there boys I believe they belong in my pocket"
Gage looked surprised to see the thief "how did you find me after the park ?"
"That was easy I had help from one of my gang members"
"Your in a gang!" Joel shouted
"It's not that shocking most thieves are now as they can never work alone anymore"
Gage looked at the man and was starting to wonder what he wanted with two kids
"So what do you need with the two of us then mister ?"
Surprised to be asked this question so easily the man just grinned and said
"I want you and your brother to join my gang as street thieves, I can train you to become better as a pair and you may later on help with bigger heists what do you say?"
Gage and Joel looked at one another and both answered at the same time
Gage was exited to join the gang said"I will join you,!"
But Joel was less then exited as he replied to the man " I won't I only want to be with my brother"
Surprised at the both there answered the brothers started to argue
Gage asked Joel "why won't you join we can become rich together and learn how to survive on the streets by ourselves"
" I just don't like the idea of joining a gang right now why don't we stay here and we could get adopted "
" don't be stupid you know no one will adopt use since they will only take one of use and split us up is that what you want ?"
" No I just want to be safe with you "
" then learn to become a thief with me we can be safer with a gang "
Joel saw his brothers determination to join and had to decide for himself wether to stay or to follow his brother.
"Fine let's learn how to be thieves "
With a sly little smirk the strange man just said
" follow me then boys "
And the small group of thieves all went towards the park where they first meet and the boys found a group waiting for them was it there new gang or an enemy gang.
" welcome to your new family boys" the man leading the boys said " this is my gang  so make friends quick and learn well" and with that the whole gang started running towards the entrance of the underground
Gage enjoying himself shouted " where are we going ? "
Someone from in the gang replied " find out when you get there" and the whole group keep running until they had made it to the end of e tunnels where Joel and Gage were surprised at what happened next as the gangs leader stepped up to the wall and knocked on it three times leavening the tunnel with a hollow knocking sound that was until someone whispered in Joel's ear " you'll like this part" Joel jumped at the voice but keep close to his brother and was surprised to see that Gage was pointing at the wall and whispered " Joel look at the wall" as Joel turned and looked he saw the whole wall sink in to the ground and reveal a massive room behind the wall that was full of wonders to the two boys like monitors that had computer code on one screen and news on another a wall full of televisions that showed the local and regional news and a wall of clothes Both guys and girls this is where Gage grabbed a leather jacket for himself and as son as he touched the jacket another man from inside the wall shouted at Gage from across the room " let go of that jacket kid, it wouldn't fit you. The guy started walking towards Gage and all Gage does was swing the jacket around his back and puts it on the first time in the hideout and already he was causing trouble but that was my brothers way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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