Notice Me

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Disclaimer- I own no part of One Direction, or the members in it. All characters are a product of my imagination, and everything they say and do is made up. Anything relating to real life people or events is purely coincidental.


Harry adjusted the stack of books in his arms before heading up the steps to the school. Ahead of him, the soccer team stood chatting in front of the office doors. Harry caught sight of the feathery brown hair he would know anywhere. So entrancing were the sparkling blue eyes that Harry tripped over the top step and went sprawling. His glasses went skittering across the pavement to land at the feather-haired boy's feet. The boy bent to pick them up and them walked over to where Harry knelt gathering his books.

"Here are your glasses...Harry, right? I'm Louis, but you probably already knew that, everyone does." He said, reaching out to hand Harry back his spectacles. Harry grabbed his last book and stood up. He was a bit taller than Louis, but not by much.

"Yeah, Harry. Uh, thanks Louis." Harry mumbled as he took his taped-up glasses from the outstretched hand. He glanced at the tanned face for a moment before dropping his gaze back to the ground.

"No problem, mate." Louis said before finally turning back towards his friends. Harry hurried off to his first period class. He didn't see Louis look back over his shoulder at the curly-haired boy with the funny glasses.

Louis turned back around and crossed the short distance over to his team. Zayn moved over to make a space for him. Louis tried to get into the conversation, but his mind kept going back to that Harry kid. He had seen the crazy haired boy around school a few times, but had never talked to him. The kid barely ever took his eyes off the ground. But just now, when he had glanced up at Louis' face, Louis had caught sight of the deepest green eyes he had ever come across. They were almost a dimension of their own. Louis was jostled out of his thoughts by Zayn tugging him off to class. Zayn was a good guy, Louis knew. He was a friend to everyone, and always made sure Louis, and the whole team for that matter, was on time. Zayn and Louis made it to class just as the teacher began attendance.

Louis was on Harry's mind, but that was nothing new. He had quite a crush on the tanned soccer player. Harry had hidden behind the bleachers more than once to watch Louis play, but he had always made sure no one saw him. Harry was already seated at the back of the classroom when he had been in all their classes for the past year, but no one ever noticed a loser like Harry, so they never saw him. Liam, who was probably as close to having a friend as Harry would get, was asking Harry a question about a particularly stumping linear equation. Liam was a nerd too, maybe even more so than Harry was. That's mostly why they were friends. Louis was far more interesting than Liams boring equation, so Harry kept his eyes on the brown head in front.

All through first period the image of those deep green eyes never left Louis' thoughts. Why though? Its not as if he liked Harry or anything. He couldn't! The kid was such a geek. And Louis was the star athlete! He couldn't concern himslef with losers like that. Staring at the blackboard in the front of the classroom, Louis tried to concentrate on todays lesson. But no matter how hard he tried, his thoughts kept drifting back to curly locks and taped glasses. Eventually, Louis gave up, and let himself think about what Harry was like.

Harry purposely hung back after class. Zayn and Louis were almost always the last ones out of the room, and he wanted to try to thank Louis for helping him this morning. Packing his binder extra slow, Harry made it so he reached the door seconds before the soccer players did. Dragging his eyes upwards, he finally rested his sights on Louis' face.

Louis just about let out a string of curses when he almost ran into the idiot blocking the door. He saw a flash of green before Harry turned to rush off down the hall. Louis caught his arm before he could complete the action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2013 ⏰

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