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The dark void took on a silvery hue as it transformed into fog. The fog made way for clouds and wind, an invisible storm hiding behind the lazy smile of the sun. Amelia only perceived a growing pressure slapping against her whole body, as if she was falling. The one time she opened her eyes, she was able to see the structure of something green, but no more than that. The air cutting through between her eyeballs and lids made her vision blur rapidly, with such speed that she had to close her eyes hurriedly. She couldn't even breathe – that and the tiny fire raging around her navy blue irises made her feel increasingly uncomfortable indeed.

With a heavy thud she landed on the ground. Surprisingly, she didn't feel any pain, only being aware of her tense body lying on something intent on tickling her skin where it wasn't covered by her nightclothes. Grass, assumedly.

Was she that numb already?

No... No, she wasn't. The bed of grass was cold. A bit wet, maybe. Her nerves were responsive still, so that was good. When Amelia opened her eyes, she noticed a faint rainbow descending into the puffy sky above out of the corner of her eye. Blinking shakily, it suddenly was gone. The blackness seemed to have swallowed it up.

She expected sitting up to be far more difficult, given what she had just been subjected to, but the task was rather easily done. No bones creaked, no muscles screamed. She felt... light.

Like a feather.

Pulling her ruffled blond hair behind her ears, she made herself aware of her surroundings. She was sitting in a vast field of pure green grass, an ending nowhere in sight. In fact, just when she believed she was able to recognize leafs and wood, the image was obscured by dense fog, and there she was, alone again. Alone in a field of grass with nothing but clouds and the occasional strays of sunlight falling down in between the gaps.

Amelia took a deep breath, strangely comforted by how fresh the air streaming into her lungs was.

The problem was, she didn't know where the bloody hell she was. Or how she got here. Who was responsible for it. What, maybe. Accidental apparition simply wasn't a thing with her level of experience and skill.

Deciding to look for answers, she stood up, smoothing the woolen material of her nightgown, which was adorned with flower patterns, in order not to look like a complete nitwit. Not that she already didn't, standing in her nightly attire in the middle of nowhere by clear daylight. Oh, that Skeeter woman would have a blast if she were to find out about Amelia's current dilemma. As it seemed, her mission was to stop that from happening for now.

She hadn't really noticed her feet were bare before getting up on them. She wriggled her toes in response to the touch of the cool, moist strands of grass. Preparing herself to disapparate to the coziness of her bed chambers, where her elm wand would hopefully be waiting for her on top of her nightstand, she closed her eyes and


No rush.

No force violently pulling her from one place to another.

Simply wind, calmly waving around her head.

Now, she decided, was the right time to become alarmed.

There had to lie some magical wards preventing her from apparating about this place, though as of yet, there was no sign of civilization in sight. Well, at least the fog made sense to her now. She was being watched by someone inhabiting motivations that presumably weren't all too noble. Although, why she hadn't been attacked yet or kidnapped directly remained a riddle to her. Perhaps, she was fulfilling the purpose of a human toy right now.

The only thing Amelia was sure of that this wasn't supposed to be happening.

She was better than this. She was more powerful than this.

I Saw You Smile AgainWhere stories live. Discover now