The Dragon And The Fire

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This is the scene between my characters Aide and Emaia, from my book Aide Me. It's the night before the big battle, where Aide came to visit Emaia in her little hut. If you haven't read Aide Me, I strongly suggest you do. You can, however, still enjoy this chapter without having read the whole book. (But there might be some confusing parts) Please enjoy and don't forget to vote!


Emaia moaned as Aide kissed her down her neck, nibbling at her skin with his small canines. He slid a hand under her waist and pressed her body into his. The pressure in her stomach intensified, especially when she felt the jut of his arousal pressing against her thigh. Moaning softly, she grasped his shoulders. The sensation was of out of this world.

"Sweet Emaia," Aide whispered. He slowly let his other hand travel down the length of her body to grab her thigh. He scrunched up her nightgown in his fist, slowly dragging it up. "You have no idea what you are doing to me."

Emaia bit her lip, trying to stifle the uncontrollable stream of sounds that wanted to constantly escape her mouth. "Aide, I want you. Please..."

"Patience." He murmured, letting his hand gently go under her gown. "How much did Kai tell you about making love?"

Emaia gasped and arched her back when she felt his hand tickle the inside of her thigh. "E-everything, I think."

"Did he tell you about this?"

She felt his knuckles brush against her sensitive part ever so gently. Moaning loudly, she dug her nails into the skin of his shoulders. Heat pooled between her legs. "H-he, ah... He said that elves did this thing t-that humans d-didn't."

She noticed a flicker of something on Aide's face. Annoyance? "He really was thorough."

"But I didn't quite understand it," Emaia hesitantly said, gasping again when he stroked her with his knuckles one more time. "He said something about... eating, I think?"

Aide pressed his lips together, and she now saw that he was trying not to... smile? "I'm sure he did, the bastard."

"What did he mean?"

The smile on his lips dropped, and instead he raised an inquisitive brow. "Would you like me to demonstrate?"

She saw his eyes darken with lust, and with a dry throat, she nodded. She had no idea what he meant by 'demonstrating', but she would just have to see. She trusted Aide, so she knew whatever it was, he wouldn't do it if he didn't think she'd like it.

Aide leaned in over her and grabbed one of the pillows behind her. "Okay then. I'll demonstrate. The humankind, despite their many, many brutish men, know nothing about real lovemaking," He whispered, sliding down her body again. "Love is not just about grinding your hips and reproducing. It's about pleasure, too." He gently lifted Emaia's rear up by sliding a hand under her, only to slide the pillow under her hips. "It's about exploring the other person in a way that no one else can. Feeling, smelling... tasting." When he met her eyes and licked his lips, Emaia felt her heart beat faster.

"W-what do you mean?" She nervously asked.

"Watch." Slowly, he grasped the seams of her nightgown and started to pull it up. Emaia felt her pulse rise and her stomach pinch in excitement as he exposed her private parts. When he pushed her gown all the way up to her hips, she swallowed hard. What was he going to do?

All along his eyes never left hers, but now he lowered his gaze and looked at her sex. She saw his lips part and his eyes drink in the sight of her. For a moment, she also thought she saw the member in his breeches jerk. But that could just have been her imagination.

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