Kiss Of The Beast

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   "Wow Tarja, that was amazing!" the guys applauded. "This song is going to be a huge success." The black haired woman smiled at them. "Thanks. So, we are done for today, aren't we, Tuo?" "Yes, actually we are." The keyboardist nodded. Emmpu, Jukka and Marco gathered their things, said goodbye and quickly left Tuomas's house, but Tarja hesitated. She and Tuomas were alone in the house. "Hey Tuomas?" Tarja turned to him. "I want to show you something, but I was too shy to do it in front of other guys, and besides, we were busy rehearsing. Can I use your computer?" "Yes sure." Tuomas answered, puzzled. "Come here, and sit." Tarja called, sitting down in front of Tuomas's computer. He felt a bit nervous as he took the chair and sat down next to her. "I should meet Marcelo soon, but I think he can wait for me." "Your boyfriend is waiting for you, and you're spending time with another man? Oh Tari, Tari." Tuomas shook his head and smiled. It hurt him to joke like that, it was painful to talk about boyfriend of a woman he loved more than anything in the world. Tarja glared at him. "Okay, okay. What is it? What did you want to show me?" "So, I came across this Nightwish-forum yesterday," she said, while typing something, "and I was just looking through it, and I found this." It was an opinion one fan shared with others. "Read it." said Tarja. "Comments under this post are also quite interesting." The keyboardist read the following:

TheStargazer1990: To all Nightwish fans out there! Don't you think that Tarja and Tuomas look as if they are made for each other? I ship them sooooo hard! *sigh* <3 I wish they were together! They are my OTP!

Swanheart1 commented: Yeeeeaaa! Finally I found somebody who ships them too! There is this special chemistry between them that I just can't describe! And it seems like Tuo writes songs about Tarja. Just look at all those wonderful lyrics! And to be honest, I can't stand Marcelo. I mean I respect Tarja's choice and all, but I can't understand how could she fall in love with that man when she has TUOMAS by her side! *feels*

commented: They'd make pretty badass couple! I actually have written one fanfic about them... here is the link:

   "Well... haha, I don't know what to say." Tuomas laughed. "Fans can be so obsessed sometimes. But hey, let's read this fanfiction! I want to know what it is about." "I don't think we should..." Tarja said, her cheeks red. "Why? Then we can announce that we have read the fanfic, imagine their reactions!" Tuomas joked. "Oh God, Tuo, I hope you won't do that!" Tarja gasped. "That's not nice." "Who told you that I'm nice? But no, for Heaven's sake calm down Tarja! Of course I won't do that. It just seems fun thing to do. Let's read it okay?" "I don't have time, I have to run and meet Marcelo. Read it and then tell me the plot." "Nah, your boyfriend can wait for fifteen minutes. Please Tarja!" Tuomas pleaded. "Okaaay, okay." They clicked the link and started reading, laughing from time to time or gasping and shaking their heads. Tuomas was reading faster than Tarja. "Woah, woooaah now that's a little inappropriate" He frowned. "What? Tarja asked taking her eyes away from the screen at looking at him. "Read, read you'll get to it" Tuomas answered. He finished reading and sat back, watching Tarja. The sex scene from the fanfiction flashed in front of his inner eye. He imagined kissing her, taking her to bedroom with him, covering every inch of her skin with kisses... "Stop! What the hell are you thinking?!" he interrupted himself. "She is your best friend, and has a fucking boyfriend!" Suddenly Tuomas noticed Tarja's eyes widening. He smirked, when he understood that she got to THAT part. Her shoulder was touching his and he felt her shiver. "What is going on with her?" Tuomas wondered.

    "What the hell is this?" Tarja cried out when she finally finished reading. "How can they write such things?" He noticed that she was trembling. Evil grin appeared on Tuomas's face. "Admit it, you enjoyed this fanfiction." Tarja just glared at him. "What? Didn't you like that sex scene? I found it quite good." Tuomas said, obviously trying to look innocent, but without success. Tarja felt a bit lost. Indeed, she enjoyed reading the fanfiction, and she actually liked that sex scene. It was described as if the person who wrote it, knew what was she dreaming about since her teenage years. She has always liked Tuomas and when she joined the band that little crush grew into love. But she wasn't sure if he felt the same, so when Marcelo flirted with her, she just went with it, even though she felt they didn't belong together. "Why are you quiet? Say something." Tuomas demanded. "I... I was just thinking about this fanfic. It was quite... realistic." "Realistic?" The keyboardist raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I mean the way this person described us... It seemed like they really know us and our characters." "Yes my love, I agree with you" Tuomas thought to himself. "Yes, this person described my feelings really well. This is exactly what I feel about you, I just wish you felt the same about me." He didn't say anything though, just looked at her. Tarja's cheeks were red and she was sitting awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. She appeared really cute to the young man. A strong desire of kissing her suddenly swept over him. "Hey Tarja," She looked at the keyboardist. "Do you mind if I..." He leaned down and kissed her. Her eyes widened in shock and she pulled away from him. "Tuomas!" she shrieked, not knowing what to say. The emerald eyes met the blue ones. "I- I'm sorry." He said blushing and looked away from her. "No." She said. "What?" "No. Don't be sorry. Come here." She circled his neck with her hands and kissed him. Not believing his luck, Tuomas closed his eyes and kissed her back, caressing her long black hair. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity, when suddenly soft beeping, coming from Tarja's pocket, interrupted them. "Oh fuck! It's Marcelo." Tarja answered the call. "Yes love?" Tuomas felt his heart break into pieces once again. Of course he couldn't hope she would stay with him! She had a boyfriend and he... he was just a friend. "Come down on Earth, Tuomas!" he told himself strictly. But what if she wanted it? Why would she show him this fanfic? He was almost sure it was a hint. Oh these women! Why do they need to make everything so complicated? "TUOMAS!" Tarja snapped her fingers in front of his nose. "Hello? Is anyone there?" "What?" Tuomas asked confused. "I was talking to you and you just stared. I told you, Marcelo is waiting for me. Is everything alright?" "Tarja how can everything be alright? We've just kissed, remember?" He sighed. "I guess now we have to talk about it." Tarja shook her head. "It was a mistake and just forget about it. I don't know what happened to me. Forget it." "No. Tarja, you have to admit that this is what you want. We've just read fanfiction describing our romantic relationship and then you kissed me. Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that this kiss came out of the blue? You want this. You want us to be together and you don't love Marcelo. Just admit it already." His voice suddenly trembled. "I've loved you since I saw you for the first time, Tarja. How can you not see it? All these songs... If you had paid enough attention to lyrics, you would have seen my love. Don't torture me!" Keyboardist pleaded, tears filling his ocean-blue eyes. Tarja just sat there looking at him. Has he just confessed his love for her? Suddeny anger filled her. "Damn Tuomas I'm so mad! I've loved you since we met at school, I even joined the band because of you and you couldn't see my love either! How could you hide your feelings for so long?! Tuomas Holopainen, you don't know what I went through because of you!" She yelled. To dark-haired man she looked like an angry kitten. "You are so cute!" Tuomas teased and hugged her. "My love," he whispered, "what about Marcelo?" "Oh... " Tarja looked up at Tuomas and smiled. "I'll just break up with him... It won't be easy though, I don't want to hurt him... But my heart belongs to you." She suddenly stood up and sat on his lap, causing her legs to wrap around his waist. Placing her hands on his neck, she kissed him. A soft moan escaped Tuomas as the young woman deepened the kiss, letting his tongue meet hers. He caressed her back, pulling her closer and closer to himself. Suddenly she bit his lower lip, causing him to break the kiss and yelp. "I'll come back to you, darling, when I break up with my boyfriend." She smiled innocently and stood up. "Now let me out." "Tarja Turunen, you are a devil!" Tuomas complained, while following her to the front door. "Yes, I am." She winked as he opened the door. "See you soon." Tarja whispered, kissing him on the cheek and walking outside. Tuomas stood in the doorway, looking at love of his life, not believing that his dream finally came true.

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