Found You

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  ||A/N: Okay so I felt like making a new xreader one-shot about Leon for once, excuse me if he is out of character but I haven't played resident evil in a while so I might have forgotten but I thought of this idea why I had read some other fan-fiction which I will thank for inspiring me for this idea :) I hope you enjoy!!||


Leon was on edge ever since you his partner since after the Raccoon City infection took place was suddenly noted as 'Missing'. The president had told Leon he set out other agents to search for you but they ended up coming back empty handed or plain out right dead.

It wasn't long till the new virus hit and sadly the president was turn, forcing Leon to shoot him in order for Helena to be saved. Even though he found himself fighting thorough yet another outbreak that brought bad memories he still tried to look for you as they checked in places where ever they went to make sure it was either clear or in search for what they had needed.

"What's wrong?" Helena asked as she noticed his quick movements for a while now.
"It's nothing." He replied not wanting to bring it up yet.
"It has to be something, come on...were partners for this." Helena told.

Sighing Leon slumped his shoulders and turned to her, stopped walking he looked right at her.

"My partner for most missions....and my girlfriend...has been missing for almost a year now." He told her.
"What?" Helena whispered.
"Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), I met her back in Raccoon City along with two others....we have been working together ever since." He finished then walked off to hurry and get this thing over with.

Helena was kind of shocked, a skilled agent like you got kidnapped? It was true she heard of you cause of people either talking out loud or whispering to one another about the 'missing agent' but she also knew from kind of reading files that you were skilled in hand-to-hand combat and had good speed and reflects...but you were human so it wasn't like you were always on point.

Even skilled agents would get caught off guard sometimes, but she could feel the emotion coming off Leon. He blamed himself for not noticing anything sooner...for not being able to protect you more.

Though in Leon's mind he knew he wouldn't give up until he at least seen a body, weren't dead he wouldn't believe that at all. You've gotten shot a couple of times yet lived through it.

'She's okay...I just got to find her soon...' He thought.


A dark room with a metal door in the far end only had the light of the moon shining down. A single figure laid on the cold hard ground, arms bound behind their back. Cuts and wounds covered their body by countless of beatings for having a smart mouth at some words or not even telling the captor where what they had been looking for was. this very room was you.

Breathing heavy you had your eyes closed you (H/C) bangs covered your eyes, that was one of your annoyance with your hair, but didnt ever dare cutting it. The room though had no way to get out..the window was to high to climb out from and the metal door was only able to lock from the with all the faith you had left you waited.

You knew Leon would find you, and no matter how long it took you'd believe in him and wait.

"I'm waiting Leon....come for me soon..." You whispered.


Leon and Helena were finally able to kill Simmons and make him pay for the shit he had put the city into and everything else, now his mind was back on you.

Where were you?

"Leon, before we head back lets try looking for her." Helena suggested.
"We don't even know where she is." He sighed.

As if someone was reading their minds a call came through to Leon's phone, it was Hunnigan.

"Hunnigan? What is it?" Leon asked.
"I believe I have finally figured out (Y/N) location." She replied.
"Really? Where?" Helena asked.
"At some island south from where you are now. I traced back where the location was the moment a message came through." Hunnigan replied.
"Message?" Leon asked.
" might want to not see this Leon...but it was sent in five minutes ago..." Hunnigan frowned and sent the video to Leon's phone.

Leon raised his free hand while Helena took control of the helicopter, he wasn't sure what would be shown but he knew inside it couldn't be something good from Hunnigan's words.

But he had to know what happened to he pressed play..

**In The Video**

"Why hello their Agent Kennedy, gotcha little girl friend here." A males voice spoke out.
"What shall I do to you to get a message across?" He laughed.

Picking you up he resulted into beating you, your yells of pain even coughs when his foot connected with your stomach was heard. The camera was moved to be more closer to you showing your new formed wounds.

"Now Agent Kennedy this girl sure is strong, know how to pick them huh?" The male laughed as the camera shook to prove the bastards enjoyment for hurting you.
"I wonder though...would it hurt..." He started.

What happened next made Leon have his eyes widen slightly and flinch.

The damn man moved the camera along with him and showed a metal bar that had been bent, it seemed to look like a crowbar but it was far from it. Hearing the males laughter as he placed it in a fire pit it was for the moment Leon knew what would happen next...

The bastard was gonna leave a reminder on that would maybe even make you remember this torture.

"Say hello to some heat." The male cackled with laughter.

Placing the burning metal on your back your scream was so loud, it left a scar right there in the same shape of the metal bar that was placed there.

"A little reminder of her hell." The guy laughed and ended the video.

**Video End**

"That was all that was sent...." Hunnigan finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"My god...." Helena managed to get out from what she had heard.
"Who is this man?" Leon asked doing his best to control his anger.
"We don't know, since he didn't show his face and seemed to distort his voice...we are guessing it's someone smart..." Hunnigan replied.
"Alright....we will return with (Y/N) cause as of now....Helena and I are gonna go after her." Leon told.
"Okay be careful there and keep me posted, I'll get a medical team set up for the signal." Hunnigan told before hanging up the call.

Putting his phone away he helped Helena with the helicopter, he was gonna save you no question there at all.


Your back hurt like hell, the burn mark was hurting so bad that you didn't dare move. Knowing it would scar over you decided to think of something else rather then how much pain your were in. Actually you thought of someone else. Closing your eyes you pictured being at home with Leon..small smile on your face formed as you knew that soon very soon you'd see him again.

And just how right you were indeed.


An hour passed and both Leon and Helena set the helicopter down on a clearing. Pulling their hand guns out they looked around then soon found a big building in the distance.

"That must be where she's being held." Leon spoke.
"Then let's go!" Helena replied.

Like usual they had to get through a lot of things that were set up to keep people away, traps even lasers. Heck even zombies or mutated undead people, seemed like this guy got his hands on some virus. That was one thing he had to make sure to not let roam free.

"Damn this place got infected too?" Helena asked.
"I'm not sure..who ever this is must of got their hands on some of it.." Leon replied.

It took a while before they finally found a door to get inside of the said building. Apparently this guy was rich cause the room they were in was huge and well sorted out. Putting their ear pieces in they nodded at one another and went each way to look for you.

Leon to the left, and Helena to the right.

They would find you soon, and that was a silent promise.


"Looks like we got some visitors...." The male grinned as he watched from the monitors.
"Oh my dear (Y/N)...this will be a fun game to play." The male laughed pulling his hood off his head.

The male had short brow hair and green eyes, though his green eyes held nothing but arrogance, and insanity. He was the guy at one point you were suppose to stop but he ended up clearing his path and getting away.

His name...Shiron.

Shiron was one guy that admired the whole ideal of the virus so much that he stole one sample and set it off through out his island's people. The bastard didn't care if the people of this island that was once peaceful and beautiful...his care wasn't even there he didn't give two shits about all the lives he killed.

"Welcome to my game." He smirked.


Leon looked through every door but found nothing but empty bedrooms, this was growing more and more frustrating for him but he kept this feeling back and focused on finding you. He just simply had to.

Soon the two had regrouped and shook their heads, this was so hard on Leon that he believed this was missed information.

But the idiots sure love to spout about their evil plans don't they?

Clapping was hear from the high staircase, their guns raised towards the guy. Shiron walked down the stairs slowly.

"So you lived through my little puppets, wow this game is fun!" He laughed.
"Where's (Y/N)?!" Leon shouted.
"Ah...the girl...strong women she sure is." He laughed remembering what he had done to you.
"The hell you do all that to her for?!" Helena spoke next.
"I was just sending you guys a message." He smirked.
"Message of what?" Leon asked not having a good feeling.
"This!" He pressed a button.
"The names Shiron, remember that as you die!" Shiron laughed.

Doors from either side opened and B.O.W's walked out leaving Shiron to be able to get away.

"Wait!" Leon shouted shooting the guy in the side.

A yelp was heard but that didn't stop Shiron from getting the hell out of there, leaving the two agents to deal with the B.O.W's.

**Time Skip**

Since the B.O.W's were now dead the two ran up the stairs and rushed down the hall Shiron went. Lucky for them the mans blood lead his path. And it was all because of the single bullet that Leon shot at him.

Following it they came to the door where it had a small pool of blood, it was indeed the metal door you were in.

"This is it.." Leon whispered.
"Let's go." Helena replied in a whisper.

Opening it as quick as he could from the metal door they quickly got in and pointed their guns at Shiron. Who had you in his arms with a knife to your throat. Of course you were passed out and unknown to the events unfolding.

"One move and I slice her throat." He warned.
"It's over give up." Helena glared.
"Hand her over." Leon demanded.

This went on for a moment longer before Leon had quickly got him away from you and Helena took the chance to knock him out.

With that now clear Leon cut the ropes around your wrists and took you into his arms.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

When you didn't answer he placed his ear on your chest, hearing your heart still beating he sighed in relief and smiled at you. He finally did it...he found you.

Though the reunion was cut sort since he got a call by Hunnigan.

"Did you find her?" She asked once Leon answered.
"Yeah, she's passed out but she's alive." Leon answered.
"Good there should be a medical team soon arriving on the island, get to the front. And do not worry more agents will come there to rid of whatever is on there." Hunnigan told.

Once the call ended he put his phone back in his pocket and picked you up into his arms, rushing to get out of this building he found himself soon outside and once the medical team noticed him they rushed over and took you from his arms and hurried back to the aircraft to give you some medical attention.

***Few Days Later***

When word got out of Agent (L/N) being found the agents around were relieved you were back, alive and safe. Some visited your hospital room and some even left flowers and get well cards. The doctors were able to help you with the wounds you got...but the burn mark indeed would leave a scar.

Leon though didn't leave your side, not even for a second. Course that didn't mean he didn't go home he did indeed go there to take a shower and eat but other then that he refused to leave.

Since a few days went by and you weren't awake Leon grew even more worried about you even if you were in a stable state.

Though that worry washed away when he saw your hand twitch and your eyes opening.

"Leon?" You whispered.
"Hey." He smiled.
"I knew you'd come for me." You smiled back.

Leon chuckled and leaned over, pressing his lips to yours for a soft kiss that had be long waited. He'd tell you soon from what you missed but for now he wanted you to recover and be okay enough to be told.

He found you, and you knew that in time he would. And here you are now safe and right back where you belong.

With him.

||A/N: Sorry for the intense part of your captor....I wanted to make this a long story without making it a whole many chapter thing since it was never planned to be one of those stories....hope you still enjoyed it though.||  

Found You - Leon S. Kennedy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now