Part 1

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Nathan's POV

"blah blah blah"

The speaker is still announcing the instruction and introduction for this coming youth camp, it's so boring, I can't understand a thing

And guess what? we are on MCC open ground, like literally on the field, y'know, the green grasses.

Hell, it's starting to rain slightly, and the speaker doesn't even care, WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR YOUTH HERE??

I mean I don't blame them for putting us on the field, we are too many... like REALLY many... lewl, wrong gramming xD

Luckily, I brought an umbrella, well yes, it's on my bag okay? Speaking of my bag, I'm putting my large notebook in but it won't freaking fit..... whaat? I bring notebooks okay? I like to take note of the new things I'm experiencing, weird right? Well, whatever Xd


And yes! Its finally in! dammit, I'm already wet

*woosh* (sound of the umbrella being opened)

I was about to run but I saw this girl, looks like her friends just left her, I think for fun? But she doesn't have an umbrella, mehh, I'm gonna help her

I ran to her then brought the umbrella above her head

"c'mon" I said

"Huh?" she said taking a glance of me

"Let's go, or you'll freeze to death" I said staring at the raindrops falling.

"o-okay" she replied

"RUN" I said, then ran, I think she got my instruction cause she ran too.

We found a near "kubo" above the MCC field, sheeesh, I'm so wet, so is this girl, it's a good thing I'm wearing a jacket

Putting down my umbrella, I looked at the sky, and hell, it's raining hard

"Oh man, why did it have to rain, psh" I complained to myself, then I looked at the girl, she seems shy

And cold, she's freezing

I got my jacket off,then laid it on her back

She was shocked, I think

"n-no, it's okay, I can ma—" she got interrupted

"It's okay, I insist" I said a slight smile forming on the side of my lips

"t-thanks" she said then looked away

I sat on a nearby bench, looking at the sky

"oh, and Nathan Sagrado is the name" I said putting out my right hand for a hand shake

"J-jenny, Jenny Santos" she said shyly holding my hand for a hand shake

"Nice to meet ya, Jenny" I said then smiled like an idiot

I think she has a fever, she's kinda red

I got near her then touched her forehead

"h-hey!" she complained

"You're hot.... I-I mean you feel hot, you have a fever" I said

"I don't" she said tucking the jacket to her shoulder

"You do, and I think the jacket is not helping, my jacket is wet, It'll just make you feel colder" I said thinking of a way to make her feel warmer

"Body heat" I murmured

"huh?" jenny said, I think she didn't hear me

"I know how to make you feel warmer...." I trailed

I went to her back

"Please keep calm, this is for your own good.."

"huh? Wha—"

I hugged her, but from the back, I don't want to disrespect her, I mean we just met, it's weird that I'm caring for her to the extent that I would hug her to make her feel warmer, It's weird but, whatever.

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