Henry's Escape

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Henry pulled out of the driveway of Howard's Zoo in his much loved Morris 1100, his intention was to get as far away as he could.  The map was laid out on the front seat beside him.    North was the direction, toward the sun.  What was behind him would stay behind.  The future was wide open.

Henry had just turned fifty years old.  He had been married for twenty two years, however, his wife had gone missing two months back.  Henry knew where she was, he had put her there.  A place that no-one would even think of.  Yes, Henry was very kind.  He knew she loved her animals more than she loved anything.  Henry was sure she only married him to be around the zoo.  So, out of consideration for Anna, he chose the best place.

Although, Henry Howard's zoo was only small, he had a good selection of inhabitants.  Leo was Anna's favorite, she loved to feed Leo and watch him tear the meat to shreds.  Timid, the croc, was Henry's pride and joy.  Truth be known, Timid actually liked Anna because she stayed away from him, and he hated Henry because he was always in Timid's face.  At a distance, but not far enough for the crocodile's liking. The man was cruel and tormenting, not only to the crocodile but to all the animals in the zoo and even to his wife. 

Anna arrived home from bingo, late on a Friday night.  'Where was Henry?  In that croc's place no doubt', thought Anna.

"HENRY, HENRY, I won the jackpot".  No answer.  "HENRY", she screamed from the veranda.  A faint noise, something was moving beyond the porch light.

"Henry, what are you doing?"

'Hell and damnation', thought Henry.  "I am over here checking on your  lion."  Anna rushed over to the lion's den.

"What is wrong with Leo?" panted Anna a little breathlessly.

"He has been roaring like crazy, must have something wrong with him.  I called the vet.  I know you don't like Dr. Sam, but he is great with Timid."

"Oh no you don't Henry Howard, that is my lion  and I will tend to him myself", said Anna a little forcefully .

"Well, you had better get in there and check on him because he has not let up since you left for bingo."

Anna turned on all the den lights and sure enough Leo was looking awful mad.

"Now my baby, what has got you so upset?  Come here to mummy."

Anna was close to the fence, reaching her hand out to Leo, the next moment she felt herself being lifted.  Henry threw her in the den.  Leo quickly pounced on Anna, and Henry watched as Leo devoured every bit and morsel of his now, ex-wife.  Of course, he had not rang any vet.  Dr. Sam would have found that Leo had been jabbed repeatedly with something sharp.

'Well now', thought Henry, 'no more bossy wife'.

Henry reported his wife as 'missing' the next morning.  The police told him to 'wait, she may come home'.  She never did.  Her photograph was circulated all over the place but it did no good.  She had simply vanished.  The police assumed she had taken off with another man.  Henry acted like that may have been the case, even though no man had been accused.

So 'grief-stricken' was Henry Howard that he closed the zoo.  He found homes for all the animals in and around the nearby localities.  All except Timid.  Henry tried over and over to find somewhere that could take that crocodile.  There simply were no places for a large crocodile to be housed.  There was only one thing left to do.  Henry would have to let Timid 'go'.  The large storm drain running adjacent to the zoo, was the only place left for Timid.  Henry had to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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