Pushers were a type of human that had the ability to invade minds and control them at will. The genetic mutation came directly from the rise of Vampires and the need to defend against them. With Pushers on the rise no vampire would dare to prey on an innocent human. Realizing the growing threat of the Pushers, Vampires banded together and wiped out the existence of those humans. This story is of the accidental survivor of the Pusher "clan" (Emily) and her romantic entanglement with Vampires.
WARNING:As the story develops there WILL be obscene language and perhaps even sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Plot Summary:
Pushers:is the name for humans who have the ability to invade minds and bend them at will. Some pushers never go beyond a simple reading of human emotions while others reach such a level of skill that they could control a person's actions at will.
Pushers were undoubtedly the only type of human that could go face to face with vampires in combat. All it took was for one pusher to block a human's mind and a vampire could no longer hypnotize his or her prey.
Since Pushers had become such a growing nuisance, the usually lone creatures banded together for a common cause. To wipe out the pushers.
The act of war worked, for soon after all Pushers were thought to be dead; however, there was something that vampires had yet to realize. In order to protect their children, some Pushers gave them up for adoption immediately after birth so that not even their real parent's names went on the child's birth certificate.
As of right now there is only one known case of a Pusher surviving: Emily Maverick, a seventeen year old senior from Delta High School living in the city of Crescent Falls was a direct descendent of the legendary Pushers.
To make things more complicated the boys that would turn out to be her love interests are vampires. As of yet they have no idea that she is an extraordinary human being.
You will soon come to know that Crescent Falls is a town of supernatural occurences. Emily Maverick may not be the only strange thing the town has to offer, but if left alone to breed in her hate for Vampires, she could possibly become the most dangerous supernatural being in a Vampires opinion.
If her identity were to ever be found out amongst the Vampire society her life would be in grave danger, and the chances of her survival would dwindle to 0.01% Not to mention that her love interests. Brothers: Phillip & Derek Knight would be in deep trouble.
How can they take on the entire Vampire world when Emily's secret is at such a danger of being exposed? what other supernatural creatures will pop up to wreak havoc among Emily's plain old ordinary world?
reVAMPed [on hold-rewriting]
VampirosPushers were a type of human that had the ability to invade minds and control them at will. The genetic mutation came directly from the rise of Vampires and the need to defend against them. With Pushers on the rise no vampire would dare to prey on a...