Chapter 1

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Tapping my chewed fingernails on the stone gray desk while rock music blasted in my ears. Sitting in my first period wasn't my ideal spot. I'd much rather prefer to be sitting at home.... or anywhere on the face of this planet really. My friends whispering quietly about god knows what until the professor bursts through the door with all the joy and confidence of a dying emu

"Put your phones away you rotten children..... You as well Isa"

He groaned, as Isa put her phone away quickly, trying to play it cool to the class as Mr. Knott opened his lesson folder and started teaching the inaccurate, American views of Christopher Columbus, A person I regard to be awful, lucky, scum.

I zoned out and stared out the window at the gym class playing tennis, looking over at my friend occasionally to raise my eyebrow to the more ridiculous and incorrect things Mr. Knott spewed from his licensed teacher mouth.

Let me be clear. I'm not an incompetent child who refuses to listen. I'm just smart. I've heard this before and when tested I'll excell.

I let out an accidental groan as Mr. Knott so beautifully said "Columbus was a hero"

He raised an eyebrow, challenging me to a non existent battle as my tan face paled in realization and I swore at myself in my head.

"I see you find our nation's hero insignificant Mrs. Rios" His voice cold and his mouth in a vicious line. Truthfully he only had one year left teaching so usually he didn't care about the misconduct of students. Must have been a bad day for the old man, but did he really have to pass it on?

I gulped and remained silent, fiddling with my earbuds hanging out of my black skinny jean pocket. I looked over to Blaize and widened my chocolate brown eyes with urgency, signaling Blaize to save me with one of her ridiculous tricks that she was so known for.

Along with a distraught face she shrugged, apparently she had no way out of this one, "Way to go, Olive" I thought to myself as I watched Mr. Knott's face as he thought of a punishment. No doubt letting out his pent up anger on me unfairly.

"Four days of detention Mrs. Rios, I highly recommend you learn to appreciate history. It is made every day."

With a sneer he continued teaching, pointing to things and directing students to different pages. The rest of the class was an anxious blur to me anyway. I wasn't terribly upset, just a bit of a goody two shoes I had some anxiety about being penalized, especially in front of a classroom of students I don't particularly like. Groaning in annoyance, I packed up my books and papers, then walked out, next to Blaize and avoiding any lighthearted jokes about the situation, Hoping she'd forget.

"You ok? If I call my mom she can probably get you out of this, you know her and her psychotic defense for children" she paused for a second in deep thought with glazed eyes, then perked up noticeably "Then we could sue that rotten old man and I could be your lawyer!"

I chuckled lightly at the tempting idea "Just because you like law doesn't mean you're good at it Blaize" I stated then rolled my eyes. Then as she opened her mouth to speak again, defending her lawyer status I cut her off. "Watching Legally Blonde a million times doesn't count as experience by the way."

She puffed slightly sarcastically then walked off on her phone, not a doubt in my mind she was complaining to some group chat full of people I don't know, muttering something about Elle Woods, along with the bend and snap.

Watching her walk off to the bus, with a neutral expression resting on my face. It quickly faded as I turned to see the detention room. It wasn't an official one of course with the school budget being spent on glorifying football morons. The room was a small classroom, for science if I remembered correctly. I trudged over to the room with no spring in my step and opened the door briskly. Taking the back corner seat covered in sharpie.

"Hi my name's Aaron" Said the tall lanky boy in front of me. He looked a little familiar, maybe one of Blaize's friends or perhaps just a classmate I never noticed. Either way I had no intention of engaging in conversation for the full two hours of this torture, or any of it.

I simply nodded my head, bouncing my ponytail and put in my music on full volume, trying to drown out the ancient metal air vent and awful, jail bound kids in the room around me and ignore the awkward, slightly sad look on Aaron's face as he played with his gray hood and turned around.

I cringed and tapped my feet, rethinking scenes from every geeky movie possible. Of course I didn't feel bad about dismissing the boy, he probably had something to say about the Avengers on my shirt or my awful ponytail.

"Yes" I said as I nodded to myself, "Ignoring him was surely the right thing to do" Once I felt reassured I drifted into the music until I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

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