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                                                        CONOR MEET'S FBI.

Hi this is the story about Connor Clarkson. It's a hacker story also a boy x boy (gay)! Don't like. Don't read.  D= Dad C= Connor M= Mom G= Genim S= Scott J= Jake

Connor, Pov.

This is my story.
Let me introduces my self I am Connor Clarkson I am 15 year's old and a boy, love reading, drawing, music and computer's of course. I sing to and play the guitar. My favorite band is One Direction have you seen they're abs, yes I am gay so scream if you don't like it. I am sassy as hell. 
I work for the FBI as a computer specialist, ye I know what you are thinking. Way are you in the FBI? You are like 15? bad for you, my IQ is 195 and I can read 20 000 word a minute. I know I am smart. So let's start. Enjoy! - Connor     

Well i made a hacker program that allowed me to hack, in to places i was never suppose to do.
It started when i was 13, i learned to hack the school database. After a month it was to easy.
So i began to hack other things like the police department, and i stumbled over some old files and started to read them.
That was the moment i know, i wanted to change the world. And catch the criminals.

I started with files about cyber crime. About computers, phones anything that was connected to the internet. It was the files that wasn't solved jet, by the age of 13 and a half. I had solved 14000 cases about cyber crime.
No one knows who i was, in school i was the geek, nerd, dork and fagot i swear i have been called them all. You name it!
Behind the screen, i was Con the anonymous hacker. Everybody wanted to know my true identity.

My story start on the feat full day, just a month after my 14th  birthday. Of course it started as a normal day. Waking up going to school get beaten up by the football team, but when I came home. I see a black car outside of our home. So when I came inside of my home I was meeting with to men. One with black shirt and dark grey jeans the other had a dark blue shirt and black jeans. 
They looked really yummy.

C-"who are those guys mom?" I asked her
M-"They say that they're from the FBI." answered mom on my question. Giving me a look that told me she was scared of the to men from the FBI 
"A you must be Connor right?" Asked the one in a black shirt me, shit I am in so much trouble now.
C-"Yes I am, what do you guys want? And who are you guys?" Shit they found me, but how!? I was so careful to not leave traces that can track them down to me. I was freaking out on the inside, but did not let it show. I can't let them get me, fuck kill me now.
"I am agent Genim Nowak and my friend here is agent Scott  Brown
" The man in a black shirt answered me. Way the heck do they look excited, like kids on Christmas morning.

S-"We want to talk with you, if that are okay for you?" It was Scott that asked me. What are my parents going to say about everything that are going to happened. My mom will most likely to hate me, and don't even let me think about dad, he is going to get so mad at me. The FBI are probably going to send me to jell, do you know what they do to small gay cute boys like me. Yes I am small I am 5.5 thank my mom for me being smaller then everyone else.
My brother is going to be so angry, good dammit. First having a faggot to a brother then a criminal. I know I did it to solve the cases but what I was hacking so I am bound to get a punishment for what I did. 
Goodbye world, hello hell.  
D-"Please let's sit down, so we can know what's going one with my son" my dad asked the FBI guys. Still can't get over that they look happy and excited. But one thing I know, and that is.
I am so dead, they are going to kill me.
Mom had a worried expression on her face, and I couldn't read my dad's face. My brother face was so priceless that I wanted to take a photo of it. When all of the family sat in the kitchen. Dad and brother at the end and me and mom between them. With the to FBI agents right across of me.
My brother is 17 and I have an higher IQ then all of his class mate's. Of course now one know about it but the teacher's at my school, they wanted to put me in the same class as my brother but I didn't want to because my bully's are in his class. They didn't even know I was bullied in school, I use makeup to cover my bruises that they give me.
G-"We want you Connor to join our team as a computer specialist" OMG did I just hear him right. They want me as a computer specialist! Like what the hell, are they crazy. Did they just offer me a job at the FBI
D-"I don't understand you want my 14 year old son to join the FBI?" Dad asked the agents, shit they will know my secret now. I am dead
S-"Yepp, we want your son to join our team" Scott answer my dad, at the same time I looked down on my feet, so I couldn't  meet anyone's eye's.
M-"This must be some kind of mistake, my son can't anything with computers." I looked up when she told them that, and mom had a expression of disbelief on her face.
C-" Mom, it's okay" I try to tell her, she's just shaking her head.
D-"No it's not son" dad told me, he is going to be so disappointed in me when he gets to hear the truth.
J-"What the hell do you really want with my baby brother?!" I gave him a glare for calling me baby brother. Like hello I have a higher IQ then you.
G-"You haven't told them? Have you?" shaking my head as an answer on his question,
D-"Haven't told us what?!" my dad hit his hand so hard on the table that it should have broken the table, dammit he was angry. His face was red as a tomato. And everyone was looking at me like I had grown a extra head. My family was in shock, because I have had a secret from them.
G-"Take your time kid, it's hard to be telling a secrets this big" Genim gave me a small smile
C-"When I was 13, I started hacking" Mom, dad and Jake looked at me like they didn't know me at all. They was silence, and it was so bad that if you drop a pen you could have heard it.                     So I just keep on telling my story.
C-"I started with the school database." my dad looked me in the eye's, pleading me to tell him it wasn't true what I have told them "But after a month is was to easy. So I started with harder things like the police department. I stumbles over some files about cyber crime, I was reading them and I started to solve the cases one by one, on one day I could solve up too 40 cases. Everything I found out I would send to the police, of course I did it anonymous with the name Con. The police eventually started to send me the files, at the age of 13 and half I had solved 14000 cases about cyber crimes. Because now one know about me, was because of the new hacker program I made
When I was done talking, mom and dad didn't see wary happy about what I have been doing.
D-" You have to be kidding me, you have been hacking the school and the police department for over a year." 

C-" yes dad I have been hacking, so you want me to join your team?" I asked the agents. They look at each another and then back at me
G/S-"Are you crazy! Of course we want you to join our team" they say at the same time, I give them a smile.
J-"You have been hacking?" Jake asked me with a shocked expression. Dad was shaking his head not believing what I had just told them. Mom was crying, they probably going to throw me out of the family. It was okay that I was gay but a hacker. The won't forgive me now.
C-"Yes, kind of..." it was a bit weird to be talking about it. Trying to giving my brother a small smile.
G-"So what do you say, do we have a deal?" Genim asked me, at the same time he straighten out his hand for me to take.
C-" Yes we do!" Dammit he had a big hand.

This is how I started to change the world step by step

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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