Tell Tale Heart - The Sequel

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TEN! Ten whole days since I have been confined in this shoebox they called a room - and not one in good condition I must say. Why they planted me here, my sane mind cannot decipher. I've waited - and waited - like any man would have done, but WHY and HOW am I still not out yet? Why, what crime have I committed? I was wronged. The Evil Eye was gone - gone for good. Not a single soul has spoken to me since, or thanked me for the favour. No, they have not. Hah. The looks the police bore were priceless. If you had seen how disgusted and appalled they looked, you too would have been confused. That, I cannot understand.

Now, let me bring you back to my first point. TEN days in this stink place was enough, this is not a place suitable for people of my kind. Why, this place is for the crazed and mindless, and I am neither. No - this must be a mistake. I shall wait.

Soon night time fell upon us, and I lay on my bed, wide awake... tick tick tick ... I watched the clock as its hands moved with every passing second... tick tick tick ... Louder and louder and louder it went, and soon it was DEAFENING as it echoed throughout the room. More and more restless I became as my eyes darted here and there, thinking, thinking, calculating, deciding... tick tick tick tick... TICK! At last, as the clock breathed its final sigh, an idea sprang into my head. I had to get out of here, this was all a mistake. Of course. I scrambled out of bed, and scanned the room frantically.

AHA! The moonlight had to stream in from something, a window! The gears in my head turned and turned, and I got to work. Wait and see, I thought, a mentally unsound person does not have the means to come up with such crafty plans. I was about to prove them all wrong. I was never meant to end up here.

I tip toed towards the end of the room and quietly as I could, and 45 steps were all it took to get to the other side of the room. I contemplated taking a chair and crashing into the window, and making my escape thereafter. No - I stopped. Of course, such a large crash would wake everyone up. I could not reveal that they mistook me with someone else just yet, it would cause chaos within the system. I thought for it for a while, and decided that I would start on my plan slow and steady. Yes, that is good.

With that in mind, I pushed both windows open, and cautiously- very cautiously - stuck my neck out. The jump down would only be about 3 meters, perfect. Slowly, I stretched one leg off the window ledge, followed with the other. Soon, I was perched on a window of a room on the second floor of the asylum. Hah, I must have been a peculiar sight indeed, but of course, if they knew my well intentions, no one would question me then. 1...2...3! On the third count I hurled myself off the ledge, landing on the soft grass beneath me with a loud thud. I sat up immediately, my ears perking up as I listened intently for any footsteps coming my way. None - there were none, and I am safe. For now, that is.

In the darkness of the night, only the moon kept me company as I limped across the field. The searing pain through my ribs did nothing to hinder me, NOTHING could. It is all good. I was free, free AGAIN!

There! Not perfect, but I thought I'd share this with you all. Share, like and comment if you enjoyed it!

Cheers! 🍷

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