The End Begins

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Okay people, here we are, first things first, I can't write. At all. That won't stop me from trying though ;). Something you should know about this story is that there is no plan. I am not going to plan anything, instead i am going to keep uploading chapters (hopefully every week) and hope it turns into something.The song there has nothing to do with the plot, I just happened to be listening to it when I wrote this.  - Sam

It ended with light.

Blinding, piercing light that scorched the very soul of every onlooker. It was beautiful: many of them stopped to admire it. They were the first to go.

Because as light fell, darkness rose. And in the middle they stood; trapped inside the beautiful cage of what is to come and what can never happen.

Selfish and cruel; weak and pathetic; they stood alone and defenceless. They were mere mortals: humans. Stuck in the middle of a war between monsters and guardians that no longer wish to protect.

I was there amongst them. A simple human girl, that was all I ever was and everything I ever dreamed of being.

I remember that day clearly; the light, and also the screams; the terrible screams. 

They all screamed but I barely heard them over the pounding of my heart and the slapping of my trainers on the cracked pavement. While others stopped to admire the angelic light show taking place above our heads, I turned and ran.

I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know what was happening, all I knew is that I had to get as far away from this heavenly aurora as my short pale legs could carry me.

Not even a loud crack and the shudder of the ground below me could have woken me from my panic induced trance.

Only her voice could have brought me back and had me skidding to a halt. Only her voice could have made me stop when every part of me screamed to keep going. 

Oh god, Mads.

Well, there you go, sorry it's so short, I am in prelim season and really tired.

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