The Start of a new Chapter

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January 8th 2016
It was a gloomy day,as I waited at the bus stop in the rain with my beats headphones blasting my music. I looked down at my black and white sneakers which were muddy and soaked along with the bottom of my black skinny jeans. I hated the outside, I would rather have been at home playing my xbox and talking to my internet friends. When the bus arrived,I got on last after all the elderly men and women being thanked more times than I was comfortable with. I paid my fare and sat at the back of the top deck away from the rest of society. You see, my names Jade and this day was the worst day but also the best day of my life. I mean come on ,how would you feel if you went to your boyfriends house finding him in bed with another girl after 3 months? 3 months isn't really that long, but a lot happened and I thought he was the one... Apparently not. Then again, I started to talk to someone who ended up meaning more to me then I ever could've imagined.
When I got, in I threw down my bag and shouted hello to mum who I then realised wasn't home. A few months ago my parents split and mums barely been home since. She spends her time either at work or the pub. I waltzed upstairs and opened my laptop to talk to my Internet friend Dan and he said one of his friends wanted to talk to me.
Nervously I told him that was okay and started checking out a profile of someone called Jack. Honestly he looked pretty funny and interesting, also really cute! When I realised it was about 10 I thought food would be a good idea so I grabbed some Doritos and dip sat down in front of my laptop and decided to watch a movie. When I was scared shitless I turned on the light and pulled up Facebook to have a quick scroll before bed, which then turned to tumblr and it was already 2 am... I just closed my laptop and my phone started to ping. It was Jack!
Hesitatingly i opened my phone to see a message from him saying hello with a lot of full stops afterwards... So he's awkward to then. I replied with a simple hey and then we started just a normal conversation, after an hour or two we both decided sleeping was a good idea. Truthfully I was quite proud of myself 1 week into January and already made a new friend! By this time it was about 4 am which meant I had 3 hours till I had to be up. Sleep seemed stupid now. Running downstairs I grabbed a really strong coffee and sat down to watch some South Park on the tv.
The sun started peeking through the crack in the curtains alerting me it was sunrise. I switched off the tv and went upstairs quickly drinking the last bit of a cold coffee like a shot. I grabbed a towel out of the cupboard and my speaker from my room and decide to blast some music and have a quick shower which turned out to be about half an hour long... Afterwards I got into my waitress' uniform and did my hair up in a bun with my electric blue side fringe hanging down. Sticking in my headphones and walking downstairs I missed a step and tripped and bruised up my knee "shit balls" I shouted as I struggled to stand up. After a rest with an ice pack I managed to start walking to work with a slight limp.
When the bright milky white moon started shining down upon my pale vampire like skin I knew my shift was over, I grabbed my tips ,clocked out and headed out the door to the burger place next door. Waiting for my BBQ Pulled Pork burger I got a message from Dan saying some stuff had gone on and he didn't want to talk anymore. Without hesitation I went to reply but he had blocked me already. Saddened I slowly strolled home ignoring every living thing around me because to me everything was dead. He was like a brother to me. What was worse the fact he left me or the fact he said 'Don't worry you have Jack now, you don't need me'?
When I got home I threw my burger wrapper away and opened up my laptop and saw a message from Jack. I ignored him. After a while he must've got frustrated and messaged me to see why I was ignoring him. Me being me my reply was sorry long story... Then came the suggestion of a Skype call. Regrettably I agreed. I prepared myself and he rang me. I explained what had happened and he seemed infuriated and decided to message Dan to ask what's going on. It was all kinda cute honestly the way he was acting so cool around me even though I was being awkward and had mascara lines down my face where I'd been crying. A few days passed and we talked more and skyped almost everyday. He had become such a big part in my life in such a short time. It was like he just walked into my life locked the door and swore never to return throwing away the key and not lying about it. Meaning he isn't leaving. I trust him. More than anyone.
*present day*
The bastard light rays of the sun shone straight into my eyes as I lay staring at the sky on my back on the tickling blades of green grass, on the school field. I heard shouts of my name in the distance so I sat up to see four familiar faces heading in my direction "Oi emo!" One I recognised as Julia shouted "Bitch where you been?" Shouted Imogen
When they stood in front of me I looked up into their eyes and said saddened " I really hate you guys. I need new friends." I just received hugs in reply and a chorus of don't worry we love you really's off them as the all piled on me. See I love my friends they are really what keep me sane. Next to my right leg my phone played a gun shot signifying I had a text and up flashed the name Jack with the sentence 'we need to talk' under it. A surround sound of low toned ooo's played behind me. A few mili-seconds after the ear destroying noise of the bell went and me and the girls, consisting of Anna, Aleks, Julia and Imogen headed into the school and said our goodbyes separating for classes. I had Physics with Julia next, so we headed to Lab 8. During Physics I didn't pay attention just waited for a reply from Jack as to what we needed to talk about. I stayed in this frame of mind until lunch when I finally heard the familiar gunshot and rushed towards the toilets to answer my message.
I stood in awe at the message it read ' Right so Jade I know we've only been speaking for a little while but I've really grown to like you and you have become so important to me. You mean everything to me and hopefully one day we will meet but until then I would like you to know that I think I may like you in more than one way. I hope you are okay with this and we can continue being best friends or maybe more... Depending on how you feel..... Jack X' Still in shock I texted the girls to come for a conference in the bath room in the languages block. A few minutes later the recognisable noise cloud that usually follows us floated into the room. "Woah Jade you alright? Look like you've just seen a ghost!" Anna said genuinely worried. Imogen being her she started getting all excited and started fangirling about Zac, Nick, Aaron, Billy and Jay. This went on until I held up my phone and let them read the message. Silence was amongst us. It seemed as though we were all in shock and no one knew what to say or do. In silence we all walks to the canteen for food and as we ate I stated that my decision was to not reply until I was sure how I felt. We all agreed it was a good idea and went on scoffing our crappy school canteen food.
When school finished we all decided town, a costa and burger was the best remedy for this. Considering we all had our exams soon we didn't get much time to all hang out together like this. We had a great afternoon and departed from town a few hours after school had finished. As I arrived home mums car was here and I was surprised, I headed inside and said hello but all I got was a smack across the side of my head, then a face full of really loud and blurred words. She was drunk again. I headed upstairs locked my door and got changed, starting to relax. I saw I had missed calls and messages off of Jack most of which were apologies. Honestly I think I like him too but he lives so far away and we would never see each other I don't know if I could be okay with that.
*Jacks p.o.v*
I love her I really do. I waited and waited by my phone all day waiting for her specialised ringtone to go off but it never did..... She had read all the messages and declined all the calls. Thinking I had messed up I consulted my friend Luke to ask what he thought. Bad choice. All he could think about was her friend Imogen, after seeing a picture of them all I had shown him he couldn't get over her and wouldn't shut up about her. I guess I just had to wait until she knew what she wanted to. Only time could tell I guess.

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