A day in my life

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*Beep beep beep*

"Uhhhh" I groan as I slam my hand down on my alarm clock; silencing it. Rolling over I grab my gold iPhone 6s and go trough all my social media. Once I finaly realize the time its already 8:00. Crap I have to be at the gym at 8:00 I quickly jump out of bed and run to my closet. Pulling on a work out outfit. Rushing through the house grabbing a protein bar and my Nike bag that has everything I need for work.

I walk out of my apartment building towards my car. Which is a 2015 super charged Chevy Camaro, spent a lot of hard hours working on this baby.

I as safely as possible quickly get to my work, which is at a large gym. I'm a personal trainer. I turn off my car, and rush inside to the kick boxing space only to realize that my 8:00 client is late just like me.

I let out a breath of air, that I didn't know I was holding. "Thank god" I whisper. I can't be late again, I might lose my job.
"Cutting is close Alex, I'm not gonna report you this time because your clients late but that's luck. Don't lay it happen again" says my overly dramatic assistant manager. "It won't happen again Derek, I promise" is reply respectfully.

*Ding* my phone beeps from my bag, once I've finally dug it from my bag I find that my client has canceled and wants to reschedule. I let Derek know that I no longer have a client an will be doing my personal work out.

My personal work out is quiet a lot for a girl my size, I'm about 5'3 an weigh around 120. I'm not much of a bragger but I am quite fit. My father was always in the gym an I guess I followed.

If you haven't worked it out yet my name is Alex. More specifically Alex Rogers, I'm 19. I go to a college in New York city for visual arts. It's not exactly what I'm interested in, but it's what I'm good at. I got a scholarship, an came right after high school. I've never met my mom or any family, it's always only been by dad. Until he passed way from stage 5 pancreatic cancer a year and a half ago. No one tried to contact me, so I just continued life. It's all I could do.

This has been in my drafts for the longest time. I'm not really sure what to do with it from here, I have a lot of ideas for the story just no in between. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it. An if anyone would like to use this story idea that's completely fine, but please don't steal verbatim. I did put a lot into this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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