Day 1

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They never told me how fucking cold the bus would be on the way to prison. One would expect a bus in Texas to be hotter than the seven demons of hell. Actually, it was somber and grave, giving me chills as we approached the tall prison gates. They used the school buses given to them when the school bought one too many. There was never any talking on the bus, unless someone wanted the guard to cock his shotgun and give them the evil eye. So we sat somberly on the cold, cold, bus waiting for our new lives to begin. Sherbet County Jail was infamous as being a heavily corrupt and heavily Christian, so they went hand-in-hand really. The bus named 27 rolled onto the dirt track into the massive prison, the inmates already at the gates screaming and jesting at us. The guards didn't even bother to contain them as they waited for their new toys to roll out like sheep to the slaughter. The driver pulled slowly into the open gate as the warden watched with an evil twinkle in his eyes. Finally, the bus stopped and opened, the metal doors squeaking. The guard stepped up and yelled, "Single file! Any of you get out of line, you will be beat!"

With caution not to catch his bad side, we stood. One by one they filed us out, calling our names and shoving us forward. The sisters of the prison stood far back, rubbing themselves through their cotton trousers and pointing at different inmates. I didn't notice at the time but they especially looked at me. What seemed to be the leader of the group smiled and passed cigarettes out to all of them. They looked pissed, like they wanted me all to themselves, but they glumly accepted. At least they never did it on the first day; they waited until the prison broke you down first.

Now when we first entered the prison, they showered us, took our old clothes, and gave us the prison standard. They told us to step in a large metal cage and to strip down until we were ass naked, then proceeded to blast us with freezing cold water. Then they powered us to make us dry fast, and they gave us our uniforms, bed sheets, and a single white towel. We put our uniforms on which consisted of a wool over-shirt, cotton undershirt, cotton boxers that were fucking itchy, cotton trousers, and leather shoes. The same guard on the bus marched us down a hallway until we came to a large entrance way, where the warden first spoke to us. "I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Sherbet." They marched us into the three story prison wing after that. Everybody was yelling "new fish" and "bring the little white boy ass over here!" I also believed I saw a sister masturbating on the upper floors, though I can't say for certain.

I was put in a room by myself on the second floor, right in front of the stairs. They pushed me in and slammed the iron gates shut. 'This is it,' I thought to myself. 'My new home for the next fifteen years...'

"LIGHTS OUT!" yelled the guards. The prison went dark, except for the small glow of lights in cells that prisoners used to either read or write. I softly cried to myself, wanting this to be a bad dream and to wake up at home, sweating and panting. But it wasn't meant to be. So I just laid on my cot, crying to myself until I eventually fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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