Hi, my name's Olivia Hernandez but everybody calls me Oli. I'm 18 years old. I live with my mom and my two brothers; Alex who's the one that annoys me the most, he is 20 and he looks at everything i do (poor me !) and my little brother, he's 13. As you may notice, my parents are divorced ;i don't see my father..
So, i'm a girl, just a simple girl, nothing special. But this is not what my best friends tell me. They tell me all the time "you're so pretty and so cute and so cool and so... bla bla bla" But they are wrong!
Anyway, i'm just me and they like who i am !
The worst for the best
FanfictionA girl is forced to move from her hometown. She has to leave her bestfriends and make new ones in Texas. She'll meet Ricardo and Sam at starbuck and this meeting will change her life though the best and the worst..