~Chapter 1~ Unexpected Saviors

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In the hallway of "Magic for the Both Sides Academy" one girl was noticeably being bullied by a group of girls, that girls name was Kyle the most untalented student but the smartest in MBSA. She was forced by Brittney, the top girl of magic in the academy, to hand over her homework but Amy just endured the pain of being kicked and punched or what ever that could hurt since magic cannot be used without the teacher's taking off the runes.

"So, Miss weak know-it-all, are you going to hand your homework over or enter the classroom in rags and be laughed at" Brittney mocked.

Amy said nothing. So what if they laugh at me, I'm already used to it. She thought.

"Answer, Idiot!" Brittney shouted. Amy still didn't answer she remained silent and avoided eye contact.

"If you won't, fine, go, I'm an easy person to talk to" Brittney said while pointing to the way to their class.

Amy felt relieved but she knew that this wasn't the end, that they'd come back for sure. She stood up and dusted herself like nothing happened but as she stated walking someone pulled her hair hard, so heard it made her shout in surprise and not because of the pain.

"Think you can get away that easily?" one of Brittney's "minions" questioned her while pulling her hair continuously and laughing evilly. Amy didn't mind her even though her ponytail was starting to get ruined, it was like the pain was normal to her that it started to feel numbed and be immune to it.

"Girls, search her things it might be there and, oh, it's ok to leave a few damages " Brittney told the others.

Amy suddenly felt herself grow small, anything but my things, she thought. As one of the girls were about to open her bag forcefully almost like ripping it apart, Oh no you don't, she thought she was trying to break-free from the two girls holding her down. The girl was now ripping her books apart, she searched inside the bag then she found something. The blood on Amy's face drained.

"Oh,would you look at this a book" Brittney said while the girl is handing it over to her.

Half of Amy of was afraid that she might harm the book and the other half of her is frightened that sh might harm something important that she placed there.

"I propose we start at the first page" Brittney said while pretend reading "Blah blah blah blah blah, BORING!" she said while ripping the pages. Just then something fell out of the book and that's what Amy feared the most.

"Oh would you look at this, a family picture, bad thing they're already dead" she said "That makes this nothing but crap" she said while ripping it in half in front of Amy's face she started to burn with her magic since the runes only has effect if your magic made physical contact with another one wearing runes but was stopped by Amy's scream.

"NO!" Amy shouted

Amy felt one of her veins pop. He broke free from the girls who held her, she charged for Brittney when she neared her she gave her a slap before dropping to her knees and gathering the ripped picture, her tears fell, then she felt another pull,this time from the collar, making her slightly choke. 

"Fighting back now, are you? Hold her, girls" Brittney said with one of her cheeks red. She was about give her strongest punches when someone yelled-

"Hey, stop that!" an unknown voice shouted.

"Girls, let's go" Brittney said while giving Amy a look that says, I'm getting you back for this, but Amy was to occupied to notice, her heart broken to pieces knowing that her only remembrance of her parents is gone.

"Hey, you ok?" a voice different from earlier. Amy looked back to see who the voice owner was. She was surprised that it was the two boy transferees that was introduced to them earlier.


"Ok class, we have two new students, please both of you come in" said our teacher in the History of Magic. Two good-looking boys entered, one with his hair black and had the ends red and had a piercings in one ear and wore a black leather jacket with a black shirt and black jeans he wore a frown and he looked bored and the other one was the complete opposite his hair was naturally grayish-white while wearing a white a polo shirt and black pants and wore a friendly smile. You can see some girls staring intently at them not taking off their eyes, meanwhile, Amy, doesn't seem affected, what's with guys anyway their just another bunch of people, she thought. Amy was different from the other girls she didn't like boys even the handsome ones and she didn't have a reason to like one anyway.

"Everyone this is Draco Vermillon" the prof. said while pointing to the boy with black hair "And this is Sans Skeiron" he added while pointing to the other one "Would you like to share some information about yourselves?" 

"No thanks" said the guy named Draco with a bored expression on his face. The other girls  squealed in delight by his coolness. Suddenly the other one, or Sans, spoke. 

"Sorry for my best friend's rudeness he's just not used to introducing his self let me do it for the both of us. I am Sans Skeiron and this is Draco Vermillon as mentioned earlier were both 19 I wish all of  you would be kind and take care of us" He said while smiling, he even bowed. The girls looked dazed. Amy was surprised but not like the other girls, How could those two be friends, best friends even? Their like the exact same opposites?, she questioned to herself.


"Hey, you ok?" Sans asked placing a hand on Amy's shoulder while Draco the one who shouted earlier was leaning on the side of the hallway while looking away from Amy . Again, Amy didn't answer it was the first time someone helped her since her only friend was just at the apartment they shared and was currently working already but she quickly gathered her things and stuffed it in her bag, she didn't want them to see her now she did't want anyone to see her ever. Amy stood up and ran out of the campus as fast as she can.

"Hey! Wait!" Sans shouted

"You know, bro, why won't we just like follow her to see if she's okay than just shout and making the scene dramatic" Draco said to Sans as they watched Amy run down the steps.

 After Amy thought that they probably won't  follow her she went to the back of the academy she went through trees and went to her secret place where she usually went to eat her lunch or if she was lonely or after an occasionally beating from Brittney and her friends. 

It was a good place it was surrounded by trees and there was a big log where she usually sat or lay down. She dropped her bag next to a tree bringing only the ripped picture with her and sat on the log, tears falling down on her face. That picture was the only memory left of her parents which she never met and the only thing she knew was that her aunt took care of her when she was little and just recently passed away due to her illness three months ago. She shared good memories with her, how she combed her hair while humming their favorite song and put it in a high pony-tail like she always wore, how she made her laugh at her jokes, how she made her float with her magic if she didn't want to go to bed and many more happy memories. As Amy remembered this she thought it might cheer her up but it just made more tears roll down her face that was red because of the emotions building up inside her she didn't know how to control it. She let out a depressed scream a very loud one. She wanted to end he miserable life but she remembered what her aunt said before she died "You are stronger than you think you are, way stronger, so, please, live for me" those where her last words on the hospital bed, it was dangerous to use to much magic to heal a person for if you do, things will only get worse for both the healer and the one that should be healed.

"What does those words mean, aunt?" Amy mumbled to herself "I'm practically useless I can't even defend myself, which part of me is strong? The only thing good about me is my brain which is practically boring to! Which part of me is good?" now shouting while looking up to the sky, tears still rolling down her that created small puddles near her feet.


"Sheesh, It's not good for women to shout that loudly"

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