Blood is thick. it's so thick that's why there's so much in our bodies. last thing I remember was being knocked out and now I'm awoke bed on the baggage part of a plane. as I'm getting thrown everywhere and stuff getting thrown at me I think, "How did I get here?"
I get up nervously by the door but hesitate for a moment. Wait, shouldn't I grab something to defend myself? As I look threw the bags I notice a pocket knife in one of the suit case slots. Wow, It must be a blinding job to work at an airplane station.
I try to slide it up but it's not opening. I realize the blade was grey shiny card board and the blade someone had to of token out. So I grab a bat I find in the suitcase also and just work with that. As I walk slowly to the door. I think about that horrid when I was hiding.
Then when I got to the door and opened it. John was standing right there.
Blood is Thick (thicker than water 2)
VampireLife doesn't always have to end, but in my life I do. Painfully.