my song lyrics.

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My song lyrics

when the wind started to flow over me,

 I was scary of what you might say.

 What did I want to say when there was no way I could run away.

 I was scary of what you would want to do to me.

 I was scary of how i could say the words i had long to say to you.

 How would you act if you knew I was in love with you

how would you look at me if you knew my heart burn for you

How should I even say your name without crying into tears

Why could I not look at you and not  dieing inside from just one look at your face

My heart breaks inside for you.

la. la. la. la. la. la la, la, la,

la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2011 ⏰

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