Run away Prince

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Once there was a prince who didnt want to stay in his castle talking to people who juat wanted him to become engajed and marrie thsie daughterd. So he snuck out. Taking his riddinv cloak and white horse ridding fat from the castle. His kingdom had one of the biggest town with a mass number of people still expanding it. As he rode in no one gave him a second glance. When he was a child he used to go there all the time. He made so many friends but that only lasted a year. He beame really vlose to a smaller girl his age he had feelings for her but she saw him as a brother not a lover.
When he came to the well that they used to all gather at he saw a couple of his old friends smiling laughing and talking. As he rode up he grated them with a worm smile and they smiled back. "Long timw no see bean stock", said the oldest od them smiling leaning on the well like he used to do when he was little. When they first met he told them that he was a young all cleaner at the castle and thry had been stunned. "He smiled hard times at the castle i was moved up as a hand maid for the young king", at that their jaws dropped. They staird at him unbelieving. Then tjr oldest cleard his thought "it mussed be what with all those prity hirls waiting for the prince to make up his mind i bet they her real lonely", he said. The young prince laughed at this "if you only new if you only new", he sais to himself. Some of the others walked up smiling and waved at him hetting water drom the well them standing by it. He got down ans rubbed his horses neck smiling at them all. To him ia was a hige realif to see them.
His son'a were all grown and married with children of their own but hus daughter was alone. Always running off to have fun and finding new things. By giving her the star she could leave the forest and would be safe protected from danger.
So she went to thr edge of her forest home watching thr small village and the portrolling garuds. She snuck out to the partying village. The knights were there again talking, eating, laughing, and dancing. She looked different with her blue and whiye hair and pale cristl skin. The star made her look normal. As the night drew on the knights opened the big fire for their storys.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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