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"I'm sorry" she said putting her head down "I shouldn't have done that" she said softly. I lifted her chin up with my hand and looked into her crystal blue eyes.

"Don't say that" I whispered I could see the clear tears starting to form at the bottom of her eyes.

"I was trying to help you really i was" she said with the tears slipping over her eyelids.

"I believe you, I didn't mind thank you" I said and she smiled just a little, but it soon faded away.

"Now it's all different, I didn't mean for it to go this far" she said and I shook my head.

"It's fine lets just forget it, forget about everything" I said and she smiled.

"Ok" she said and stepped back fixing the tears from her eyes.

"What were we talking about" she asked.

"I have no idea" I said smiling as did she.

Her blue eyes now twinkling bright making her skin somehow glow, Her ruby red lips spread to show her sparkling teeth.

"I have to go Niall" she said and I nodded.

"I'll talk with you soon" she said walking out the door.

"Goodbye j" I whispered not knowing if she heard me.

At that moment I mental hit myself, there goes the most amazing girl who likes me and i did nothing. I let her slip through my fingers, idiot!


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