Beautiful Canada (Part One)

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Matthew walked around his empty house. He was alone, always alone. It was times like this that he began to pity himself. Why can't I be noticed? he wondered. Why can't I be out there ...why can't I be like...

He looked at the photo in the plastic frame sitting on his desk. It showed a smiling Alfred, proud and dignified, with an American flag waving in the background. He grimaced. "It's not fair! Everyone knows who you are! Everyone listens to you, even if they don't like it..Everyone pays attention to you! No one...ignores..." Tearing up, Matthew ran to the bathroom. He stared into the mirror. He turned left and right, analyzing every inch of his body. "Dis...gusting..." he muttered. Matthew pinched at his stomach, his thighs, his arms. "I can't handle this..." He retched. 

Alfred came by at around noon the next day. They planned on going to Francis's pool and hanging out with the Allies. It was the best way to beat the current heat wave. 

"Bro! I'm so stoked. Got a new pair of trunks and I am ready to get a sweet tan!" Alfred wore a brown tee that did not go well with his trunks, which were dark blue and emblazened with stars and stripes. "Heh, heh..." Matthew chuckled nervously. He wore a regular pair of beige trunks and a white tee. "Well, er...I'm ready if you want to..-" "YEAH! Let's go!" Alfred dragged his brother to the car and they set off. " the Allies even notice I'm there?" Matthew asked. "Mattie, c'mon. Of course they do. You never talk to them! Try opening up a little, huh, bro?" "I guess you're right.." Matthew shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He tried to keep a positive outlook on the day ahead. 

The brothers were the last to arrive. "Ev...everyone's already here.." Matthew said. "You know me, Mattie, always fashionably late." Alfred ran up to the pool gate, Matthew followed slowly behind. "Yo!!! Lemme in!" 

Wang opened the gate."Oh, hey there Alfred. And...he-ey...." He glanced at Matthew, who seemed to shrink back. A loud voice boomed over the drone of the party. "Hallo Mattie! Hallo Alfred!" Ivan was waving. "H-hey Ivan!" Alfred said in a slightly nervous tone. Matthew sighed in relief. He was glad Ivan was there. The tall, looming country was a bit of an oddball, but he was the only one who ever really talked to Matthew. "Why don't you guys come and enjoy a nice swim?" "Aha, no can do, man. Gonna check out what you have for eats. Got a big case of the munchies!" With this, Alfred took off his shirt and threw it on one of the white plastic pool chairs. Matthew marveled at his brother's body. It was chiseled and slim. His collarbones framed his chest perfectly. His six-pack was beautifully defined. This struck fear into Matthew's heart instantly. He began to look around. All of the nations were fit, with varying degrees of muscle. Arthur's hipbones showed slightly under his Union Jack trunks. Ivan had a definite muscular figure, which surprised Matthew, as he usually stayed under his huge winter coat. "Come on in, Mattie!" Ivan said cheerfully. "The water feels so good!" Matthew trembled. They're going to see me...I don't have the body for this...I'm not like these guys...I'm..I'm f-..f-..fat. He tried not to show his fear and discomfort. He slowly took off his shirt and placed it on the chair next to Alfred. While walking to the pool, he was plagued with awful thoughts. They're all looking at my body. Judging me. I can't...I can't handle this...He got into the water. "Mattie? What is the matter?" Ivan was wading towards him, a concerned look on his face. "What? Oh, nothing." He glanced to the side and gave a weak chuckle. Ivan wasn't convinced, but decided not to push any further.  Matthew swam around for a bit, then got out of the pool. His stomach growled. He wanted food, but as he looked around at all the other attractive, thinner nations, he decided against it. I think it would be best if I skipped the whole 'eating thing' for right now...he thought, sitting in one of the pool chairs. Alfred came up to him, and started talking, his mouth full of snacks. " should..nomnomnom...try this stuff," he swallowed, "It's delicious!" "Heh, no thanks, Alfred." "Aw come ON, Mattie!" "No, thanks.." "Just a bite!!!" "I said no, Alfred!" Matthew's sudden serious tone and raised voice shocked Alfred. Heglanced around nervously, said out loud, "Whatever bro, just lay off the attitude! Ha!" Under his breath he muttered, "Why'd you have to do that?" Matthew just sighed. He didn't mean to sound so angry. Ivan walked up to him after a while. "Mattie, you know you can ta-" "I know, Ivan...I just need a little space..." Ivan nodded, patting his shoulder. "No problem." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2013 ⏰

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