The Beginning

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So this is my first story so don't be too harsh. Plus just a warning my spelling and grammar probably will suck. This may contain foul language and child abuse so if you don't like that I suggest you shouldn't read this . If you don't know pov means point of view.

There are rumors that your reflection is your other self in a different world protecting you from it. But here is the question who is really the reflection?

Narrator's pov:

Izzy was looking into her mirror and I mean into not at. Her reflection had disappeared and she didn't get why. She touched the glass with her hand and it went straight through. She then peeked in with her head and saw her room, almost the exact same but a little different. The walls had patches of a gross red substance she was hoping wasn't blood. She slowly pulled her head back through the mirror and sat on her bed in fear.

Lizzie's pov:

Well that was an odd place to start so I'll actually start at the beginning. Diary entry:(12/31/15) It was a normally cold day in Maryland, it was winter after all. I bundled up in a grey long sleeve shirt a scarf, jeans and combat boots. My little brother and sister who were twins at age 14 begged me to drive them to the movie theater and I didn't see why not. It was icy on the roads. I didn't see it coming, the truck in the opposite lane drift sideways and start spinning. The truck smashed into my mom's Nissan and almost pushed it off the bridge. My sister tried to unbuckle after I did. But it shook the car too much... The car slipped backwards. I wasn't thinking but I jumped out of the car just seconds before it fell. My brother and sister both died that day and I can't seem to believe it isn't my fault. (1/12/16 present day) I really didn't want to go to school today but, school is school *sigh* there is no escaping it. But it's better than being trapped in this hell-hole of a house. "LIZZIE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Oh shit Mom's mad...again. I still have the bruise from yesterday I don't want to go through this shit again. "IT ALL YOUR FAULT YOU MURDERER EVERYONE IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!!!": end of diary entry.

 I attempted to  sprint down the stairs with my backpack and out the door before she could catch me. But I failed, what can I say I don't like to run. I got caught with a big smack to the face. " DID I TELL YOU THAT YOU COULD LEAVE?!"

"no ma'am"


"I have to go to school"



Narrator's pov:

Lizzie's mother grabbed her forcefully by the hand and made her burn her hand on the stove until she cried. Lizzie then ran to school and in a trophy case saw her reflection. It smiled at her and she knew that wasn't normal. But not wanting to be later than she had to be she ran to class. Throughout the day she was bullied, bullied, bullied, and she couldn't do anything about it.  As she was walking home she was counting her bruises, scrapes and cuts. There was a bruise on her thigh from when she was pushed into the lockers, a scrape on her knee from when she was pushed down the stairs and a cut from when someone threw scissors at her during class and many more. The horrid pain she felt in her right hand (the one she writes with) was almost unbearable. She was two blocks away from her house when she realized that she didn't hide her diary this morning. "OH SHIT!" She sprinted back to her house and up to her room where she saw her mother reading her diary with a small knife in her hand. 

Lizzie's pov:

I stared fearfully at the weapon in her hand trying not to make a sound. But I accidentally dropped my backpack with a thud. My mom turned and stared at me with the knife in her hand as she pointed it at me...


There are rumors that your reflection is your other self in a different world protecting you from it. But here is the question who is really the reflection?

OK so please comment telling me if I should continue this story or just leave it for trash. Sorry it was pretty bad but either way thanks for reading!!!! XD

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