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  It was a quite day in the bunker and Sam was itching for a new case.  Sam and I sat at the table with the map of the world on it.  I was reading through some old files as Sam was going through his laptop, searching for a case. 

 "So apparently, in Omaha," but a cry from Cas stopped him midsentence.  We popped up and darted into the other room, and stopped when I saw Cas up against a pillar with a man in a dark hoodie staring at him. 

  "Dean!  No, stay back!,"  Then the man put his hand on Cas' forehead and his eyes rolled back into his skull. 

  "Cas!"  I shouted as I attacked him with an angel blade Cas had given me.   I was about to plunge it into his chest when he placed his hand on my forehead too, within seconds I sank down to my knees, and everything went black. 


  I woke with a start and almost hit my head on the roof of the car.  I was panting, trying to interpret what my strange dream meant.  I looked behind me to see my little brother sleeping soundly in the backseat of the car.  As I slid back into my seat, trying to decide if sleep was worth trying.  But as I sat fully in my seat, I look over at my dad to see him looking back at me with a slight smile. 

  "You ok Dean?"  He asked. 

  "Yea, just, I don't think I'll ever get used to sleeping in the seat of this car." 

  He smiled a bit.  I looked out the window, "Dad, what time is it?" 

  He squints at his watch in the darkness.  "I believe it is around 5:30." 

  I put my head on the seat, and look back at my dad who was looking out the windshield.  "We could start to head to the high school, I need to get a tour anyway." 

  He shrugged and got into a driving position.  "Sure why not?"  We started driving off and I turned around and shook Sam awake. 

  "Huh?  What, what's going on?"  Sam asked lazily. 

  "We are heading to school, you ready?"  I asked.  He rubbed his eyes and combed his hair back with one hand. 

  "What time is it?"  Sam asked, looking around the cramped space. 

  "Around 5:40."  I answered, looking at the lights passing. 

  "Huh."  Was all he said as he sat up in the back seat. 

  We drove along in silence for a little while before dad broke the silence.  "So, I know this isn't the ideal situation, and you aren't exactly getting the best nights sleep like growing boys should, but I do have some good news."  He looks in the review mirror at Sam, then he looks over at me.  "We can finally move into the apartment."  He said with a big smile on his face. 

  Sam and I look at each other and smile.  I spun around and high-fived each other.  Soon after that, we arrived in the school parking lot.  By the lack of cars in the parking lot, I assume we are a little early. 


  I jolted awake and almost hit my head on the bunk above me.  I slowly lie back down on my pillow, staring at the drawings that adorn the bottom of my older brother's bed.  Pictures of my family, older, and with extra features.  I got up and wandered over to my art station in the dark, and fumbled with the light knob on the table lamp.  I grabbed a piece of paper from my stack and grabbed my pencils and started sketching. 

  As I drew, I could hear someone shifting on the bed behind me.  The metal of the bedside rail squeaked as someone leaned against it.  "Cassie?  What are you doing up?"  I look behind me and looked at my older brother Gabriel. 


  "Yea, I see that.  What are you drawing?" 

  "I had a new dream.  A very, different one." 

  "Oh?  What about?" 

  I thought for a second, putting down my pencils to twist over the back of my chair and look at him.  "Hard to tell, this one was quicker, and different people were there, I'm drawing them now."  I said, turning back to my drawing.  Gabe hops out of bed and lands with a thud on the floor and walked over to me and looked over my shoulder.  I had just finished the rough outline of his face and was starting on his hair.  He just sat and watched me draw, getting more and more intercut with the details of his face.   

  "He looks like he could be quite handsome, for a man you made up in your dreams."  I rolled my eyes.  After I got the basics down, I stopped and started a different one, the other one.  I decided to start with his eyes and work from there.  I don't usually do that, but the thing that caught my eye in the dream, so why not start there?  I worked and worked until my eyes grew heavy again.  By this point Gabe was already back in his bed snoring.  My vision blurred for a moment.  The next thing I knew my face was making contact with the table. 

  Hope you enjoyed this!  It took me forever for some unknown reason.  Oh well, enjoy! -Rebecca      

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