Falling In Love With The Ice Cream Girl Chapter 5

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Hey everyone! I have written Chapter 5...obviously... :D

So anyway I know that you are all getting really ticked off with this chick Tiffany *cough* sarah1 *cough* and trust me I am too!

...But unfortunately its only gonna get worse because she kinda becomes a semi regular character in the story... yah... So bare with me please!

I also wanted ot thank everyone for the comment and votes! Keep em coming please!!! ...Because really I have over a hundred reads on ome of these stories and single digit responses... *eyeballs all those non commenters* you know who you are. 

So please enjoy Falling in Love With the Ice Cream Girl Chapter 5!

Carter's Point of View

Caller ID: Tiffany Kay

"Ummm.... I have to take this, Loch. I'll be right back!" I mumbled as I rose from my chair and started away faster than what seemed normal for that situation.

The only thing I could think of is: Tiffany! And What about Lochlynn? And Wow. What awful timing....then I remembered that the phone was still ringing and quickly picked up, and in my sexiest voice possible, "Hello?"

"Carter?! Hey its Tiffany!"

(Still using the voice.) "Oh hey Tiff," I said not as nonchalantly as I intended, "I haven't talked to you in a while! How are things in L.A. without me?"

"Oh they are okay but not neeeaaaaar as great as when you were here! Everyone misses you!" She said. I could tell that she was just pulsing with that enthusiastic energy she always had, even from Connecticut.

"Oh well I miss everyone, too." Jeez that was a lame response.

"So... do you have any new love interests?" She asked genuinely curious. ...Does she still like me? Wow...I guess I really did bring my A Game in California. Oh Yah!

I really had to think about that question, though. Like reeeaaally had to think because for one thing I really like Lochlynn. She is sweet and funny and easy to talk to, but I had a history with Tiffany. She was gorgeous and really gets me, even though she has her...lets just say...blonde moments. She is a typical cheerleader type without the snobbiness that you see in movies.

What is that saying the chicks use? Social Dragonfly or something? Whatever.

"Umm...nope. I don't have any love interests yet...." I feel like such a scumbag.

"Oh! Really? Well then..." She said while a very obvious smile came to play.

"Well, hey Tiff, it was really great talking to you! I kind of have to go right now but would it be okay if I called you later?"

"Sure thing, Car! Call me!" That was her winking voice. Oh booooooy. She knows what that does to me!

I hung up and smiled to myself at the back of the restaurant but then I looked up at the suspecting girl waiting at a table with a single candle and a white table cloth getting a refill and I couldn't choose.

I couldn't make myself say no to her and yes to Tiffany. ...But on the other hand there is no way I can't stop liking her. Tiffany I mean. What have I gotten myself into now?

Lochlynn's Point of View

I wonder who that was that Carter interrupted our date for.

Was it another girl? Wait! It couldn't be! He's my boyfriend now! I can't believe I forgot!

Just because he acted kind of weird after that does not mean that anything is wrong.

It was probably just Chance or maybe one of his old friends.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2009 ⏰

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