Alternate Realities

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(Me) So what a train-wreck reality is then. We wander around as lost souls, tainted by the sovereign prudeness that we are supposed to model, not getting our own choices, to live through society as we please... The only way to break away from this path is through alternate realities... Some of which we wish we could never leave, while others we fear to ever return to.

 Now, you may be asking yourself, "What about my future? These alternate realities surely can't last forever..." That may be. But for now, as we continue to decipher how one can truly unlock their inner happiness, and abandon all negative energy absorbed and resume our pursuit of our golden years, as they rightfully should be, by taking on different ideals that we know aren't truths, but are damn better than "civilized verisimilitude". 

(Friend) So the key to happiness is by using these "alternatives" until we can't decipher which reality is which?

(Me) Until we CAN. Until we CAN learn how to keep a favorable reality forever without the aide of substances.

(Friend) And it really all depends on what your definition of happiness and what it really takes for someone to be genuinely happy because it really is word that changes by whoever you ask. If you think about it with everyone being different and constantly feeling a trillion different emotions a day can you really define the word happiness?

(Me) I do not believe there is a concrete definition of happiness, because everyone is different. I don't know if anyone ever will obtain TRUE happiness. I feel like you will be exposed to so many realities, it will actually be impossible to fine one to live with, that's the kicker to my perspective. There is absolutely no way of knowing what our future holds, happy or not. The thing is, there is no permanent escape to happiness, at many points in our future we will feel sad, depressed, not happy with our reality. What we can do now is experiment... See what works and what doesn't (literally and figuratively), so we can be prepared and informed for when we are older, when sober reality is more important than alternates. These alternates we experience now are molding good ideals and energy (from the form of various realities) into the sober shape we feel is ideal for our inevitable future.

(Friend) We're creating bad habits that are going to kick us in the ass the day we have to grow up. See, what I don't understad is how we're expected to make a future we're proud of, while we're making all these decisions were to sedated to talk. I know it's all part of growing up. Is it possible to stay like this forever? To physically grow up, but not mentally.

If it is, is it a wise choice? And while we're trying to find the perfect reality, people ruin it. Boyfriends, girlfriends, friends in general. They all hurt you. So what if when your trying to build a life, the people you love are just constantly destroying it? what are you suppose to do with yourself then?

(Me) Decide whether or not you truly deserve certain people in your life. Family... Is verryyy tricky. Non-family is easy to cut out of your life, and forget all together, like they never existed. You must now determine how to deal with family, as to not allow their negativity to interfere with your happiness. Whether it be just putting on a happy face and ignoring it, is your call.

Easier said than done... As is life.


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