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     The babies were carried up the stairs into their room one at a time by their loving granny, she was slow but worked carefully as to avoid tripping up the stairs. She didn't want to wake her darling little granddaughters from their happy dreams. When she had finished putting Molly into her crib and headed towards the nursery door, she heard the front door smash open with a loud bang. Then granny heard  the tromping of heavy boots up the stairs which was followed by the horrible smell of cigarettes. The girls began to wiggle about in their cradles, and granny became concerned. The girls began to cry as the thundering steps entered into the nursery.

"So these are my little princesses?" The heavy footed figure approached Roxanne's crib with caution, knowing that the little girls were already crying and worked up. He rubbed her cheek with his fingers, cradling them around her cheek gently. Roxanne's crying stopped as she just stared up at the man.

"Yes," Granny sassed the man, "These are the two little angels that you abandoned for the first two months of their lives, and along with the time they spent inside their heart-broken mother's tummy since she told you the wonderful news."

"Abandoned? Since when did I abandon them?" The man boomed, "I don't recall abandoning anyone!" The babies cries got louder, they were screaming at the top of their lungs with tears streaming down their little red faces.

Granny became infuriated, "Then just where did you go? What on Earth were you doing? Why weren't you with Anna? Just what was going through your thick skull you no good son of a...."

"Whoa, whoa, calm down. Why don't we take this outside the nursery, I can see that the girls have a devoted gran-gran that spent the time to put them to bed and carried them all the way up here." he whispered, as Anna had raced up the stairs and began comforting the girls in her rocking chair.

The man lead their grandmother into the kitchen downstairs where Anna had made coffee for everyone and prepared bottles for when the girls wake up.

"I'll answer each of your questions one at a time, the best that I can. Will that calm you down?" coaxing Anna's mother was going to be hard, "To start with, I left Anna here at home to seek employment in a bigger city to help pay for the babies huge hospital bill. I was working at a deli as a manager, they paid me about $20.00 an hour, which was better pay than what I made here in town. I didn't tell Anna because I knew that she would object like you do and tell me that we could make it work with how much we already have.  What was going through my thick skull as you put it was our soon to be debt from the hospital bill. I didn't know she was going to give us beautiful twin girls, so I only earned enough to pay about half of the bill, but I think that Anna's insurance will cover the rest and I also am guessing that you've already pitched in to help Anna out of debt, yes?" He looked at Granny, and Granny glared back at him.

"Yes, yes I have. If you must know her hospital bill is already paid off. Between Anna's current insurance and the money that my husband and I already saved up for her, she has no debt to worry about. So I don't see why you even came back." Granny knew she had the upper hand.

Anna walked into the kitchen and chimed in, "Mother, don't be so rude. He was only trying to help."

Granny looked at Anna, "The babies?"

"They fell asleep, so I put them in their beds." Anna sounded pleased with herself.

"Anna honey, you don't need him! He left you, how do you know he's not just making this whole story up?" She glared harshly over at the man, "And you, how are you going to prove that you didn't make this whole thing up? Where's this money that you earned, aren't you going to share it with your beloved Anna and her wonderful girls?"

"Mother, that's quite enough. He will explain in due time." Granny could hear the panic in the sweet voice of her daughter.

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