Ch. 1 Don't talk to Strangers

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I was walking home from that stupid dance my parents made me go to, when everything went wrong.

The cold air nipped my exposed skin as I tugged the coat tighter around my body. Why did I have to go to this thing? I mean, it's a school dance. Literally all kids do there is talk and giggle over the other gender. I thought, Can't I even have a little time alone?

It's not even suppose to be cold in Mexico! My parents move around a lot because of their 'work'. Not that they tell me anything about that.

A loud 'bang' from an alley interrupts my thoughts. You know how in those cliché horror movies where the dumb girl gets killed by going down a dark, creepy alley at night? Well, I should've listened to my common sense.

I peered down the alley way only to be startled by a cat jumping out of a trash can.

Stupid cat. Ugh, I'm getting so freaked out. And my parents are going to be so mad that I missed my curfew.

I keep walking, trying to walk as fast as possible.


I freeze.

"Who's there? I swear if you even think about touching me, you'll lose some sort of body part." I threaten shakily.

"You've caused us so much trouble girl, do you know how much time we've wasted looking for you?" the voice says angrily.

I still can't see who, or what was speaking. Something definitely was off. This wasn't a regular robber or burgaler.

"Hey!" Someone shouts from behind me. I whirl around to see Peggy running towards me, eyes darting around in fright.

"Peggy? I thought you were staying at the dance." I say as she catches her breath.

"N-no, these things, Jared tried to help, but he-" She continued to ramble on, making absolutely no sense.

"Peggy, slow down please."

"They're here." Peggy says as her eyes go blank.

"What? Who's here?" I say urgently.

"We're here." Peggy says and turns to give me a crooked, evil smile. But it's not her voice anymore.

My heart rate picks up as adrenaline begins to pump through my veins. I need to leave now. I begin to back away, careful not to startle her, well it.

"Your brother was actually kinda cute, but he was so annoying..." says a new voice from around the corner.

"You were really hard to track, Wisdom. You're lucky I'm regaining my strength from my last encounter with another puny demigod." Hisses the voice as another person comes into view.

"Don't recognize me, sweetie?" Cooes the girl that is walking to stand next to Peggy.

The girl stared at me with dead eyes. Her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail that trickles down her back.
What confuses me is her cheerleader uniform? What the heck?

She looks like a normal teenager, except creepier.

And I didn't recognize her. At all.

"Oh, don't worry. Once we tap into that pretty, little head of yours. We won't need you anymore." The girl smiles at me, but it's not a warm and inviting smile. It's the smile someone gets when they are planning to kill you, slowly and painfully. Oh no.

"Master Kelli, must we explain the plan to this girl? I mean, she doesn't even know what she is. Or who for that matter." Whatever possessed Peggy said mischievously.

Honestly, they were both insane. Crazy. And I'm about to be murdered by crazy people. I mean demigods? Ha, no way. And a brother? That's definitely not true. My only brother died a few minutes after he was born, doctors didn't even have a chance to save him. Well that's what I was told...
"If those stupid mortals hadn't wiped her memory, we wouldn't be in this mess." The girl, Kelli, snapped.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Peggy mumbled quietly.

Alright, I give up. They've lost it completely.

I am not dying in a dress.

A burst of energy comes over me and I sprint away before my mind can even process how stupid this is.

I hear laughter from behind me, "Posiedon's children have never been the smartest." Kelli growled as she and Peggy disappeared from behind me all together. I didn't even have time to think about what she meant.

I keep running. I don't stop until I run into something that knocks me off my feet.

I look up to meet a boy with dazzling grey eyes wide with shock and his hand quickly covers my mouth.

"Don't scream." The boy says, his voice hinting at an accent of some sort.

Then take your hand off my mouth! I wanted to scream at him, but I just nod my head.

He removes his large hand and guides me gently to the side of a building.

"What are you doing out here?" He whispers lowly, looking around anxiously.

"Going crazy..." I muttered, which made him crack a half smile.

"What are you running from anyway?" He continued to question me.

My house is literally five doors down, bye. I wanted to shove him away and run into my house and dive under the covers, but then again, I didn't want to confront my awaiting parents about my curfew of 10:00pm. I'm pretty sure it's at least midnight by now.

"Just some guys who thought it would be fun to jump me." I lie, not meeting his eyes.

"Uh-huh. Surely, you could've taken them, no?" He answers cockily. He knows I'm lying. Great.

"Well..." I trail off.

He turns to look down an alley, allowing moonlight to shine over his hooded figure.

His eyes scan over the alley, looking for a threat. His dirty blonde hair falls in his eyes before he swipes it away automatically. A white scar sliding down from his eye to his upper lip catches my attention before he turns back to me.

"Well, if these 'boys' come back, you've got it covered? Yes?" He teases me as I roll my eyes.

"Sure," I drawl out.

His eyes flashed with amusement as he smirked, "Lovely to make your aquaintance, Miss?"

"Annie." I say boldy.

His stance falters for a moment but he quickly recovers, "Annie, hope to see you soon."

"And your name?" I say quickly as he starts to walk away.

"Ashton. Look out for yourself, will ya?" He says before disappearing into the night.

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