1° They find you

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It was Christmas. So Finland was letting presents under the Christmas trees. He 'parked' his sleigh near the back of the house and went in. Meanwhile, in the alley a man in dark clothes walked near sleigh's point of view with a big basket in his hands. He looked like nothing count for him anymore. He than stopped and saw the sleigh. He looked at the basket and some tears fell down on it. He put the basket right in a corner, somehow that the sack full of presents to keep it there, but without being visible. He took a silver pendant from his pocket, kiss it, put it in the basket and ran away.

Finland came and after the night was done he went home, taking the sack, and the basket without knowing, at once. He entered the house where his lovely husband was reading on the couch till he came in. "I'm back, Sve." He said kissing his nose on his tip toes. "Welcome back, m' wife." He smiled.

They were about to kiss, when Sealand and Ladonia ran downstairs in their pyjamas and Hana after them. "Papa! Can we open the Christmas presents now that daddy is back, please?" Sea said with puppy eyes, his brother doing like him and an actual puppy. "Of course." The Swedish said after patting their heads. The little ones ran to the sack chuckling and after the sack was empty the material fell, letting the basket to be seen.

Sea looked curious at it, hitting Ladonia with his elbow to look at it. His eyes widened at the sight while Hana smelled it. The blond, (Sealand, Lado is more red-haired) took it in his lap and then the blanket that was there off. He smiled as his eyes and his brother's ones, that were even wider if it's possible, met a sleepy pair of (e/c) eyes and a baby curious face. Sea took a hand and waved it gently in her face with Hana smelling the face. The blond put his brother to do it too, the redhaired being a tsundere didn't want to, but after his brother put his hand in her face the baby took his pinky in her little hand, making the boy gasp a little, his brother laugh loving and the puppy barking happy. The 2 older blonds were attracted by the gasp, laugh and bark, so they came to see what's going on. When they saw the baby their eyes wide, but the little blond chuckled. "Daddy, how did you know that we wanted a sister?" He said handing you to your other brother that was smiling while Hana licked your cheek.

The 2 adults looked at each other, reading that it wasn't Fin. But you looked at Sve and reach to his hand, helped by the 2. He looked at you, failing to smile, but you giggle, leaving him stunned. Than he really smiled and took you from the basket with a pendant that you had in other hand and kiss your forehead, making you giggle again.

Fin smiled and takes your necklace, reading on the back a name. "(Y/N). Born on (Y/B/D) (your birthday date). " "(Y/N) Heidi." Says your Papa holding you closer. "Welcome to the family." Said your brothers at once and Hana sat near you, kissing your face like a puppy.


Denmark was walking in the dark in the park. He was upset. He and his little viking were frustrated for some months. Why? The both wanted a kid. But they didn't discussed about it because of fear of having the wish rejected. And today they got into a fight. Now Denmark was upset on himself for what he said. But was take away from the thoughts when he heard a cry. A baby cry.

He became crazy. He started to run everywhere after the cry. He eventually arrived at a little place where grass was in reliefs. He heard the cry from the ground and started to dig with his nails. It was a path of artificial grass that covered a big basket where it was a child. A little girl. He took it from the basket and calmed her down. He took the basket, too, and ran home at his love.

"NORGE!" He bumped the door hard and ran in the kitchen where his love was. The bigger nation pant like he ran a marathon, making his love to come to check if he was alright, but stopped when he saw the little soul from Matthias' hands.

Hetalia Nordics' Daughter Scenarios! (SuFin, DenNor, HongIce)Where stories live. Discover now