Cop: sir please state your name for the recording.
Rachel's dad: James Forsar
Cop: the kids how did you get them?
James: I sit by the river every morning and watch the bridge when ever there is an accident I grab who ever falls out of the car, people don't always fall out.
Cop: why did you do this?
James: because I hate my children!!!
Cop: but one of your children were in the basement, sir,
James: I tortured him him the most.
Cop: do you what we are going to have to do to you?
James: kill me, slowly?
Cop: correct. But not really the way you expect maybe reverse torture show you how it feels to be kept in a sell and die.
James: alright sir.
Taken away book 1
Roman pour AdolescentsAfter 17 year old Kameron's sister died nothing has been the same. she still thinks its was her fault that her sister passed away . Mom doesn't think so, mom has her own crazy theory. ©kiwiwstll