Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

She was a women of perfection, but from the hood. She was a beauty, with the mind of a beast. She used to be so weak, learned from her many mistakes, now she stands strong. She didn't believe this would happen, but when she went MIA she got herself together. No one knew where she went nor heard from her. I can read your mind you're curious why? But this is how it all started, with her boyfriends lies...

Her name was Shay. She lived in Toronto, Canada. The men were jealous, and all the women were in competition. Shay was one of the baddest females in the 6. She kept to herself and only trusted a few. One with the name of Aubrey Graham. He's known as Drake, but when it comes to Shay its Aubrey.

"Aubrey can you come here?" Shay asked from her bedroom. "Yes?" Aubrey asked standing in her door frame. "I need you to help with my outfit, I don't know what to wear to Jahron's party."

Shay never knew what to wear to parties. She didn't like to wear short nor tight clothes. She didn't like to show her curves. She didn't even like to show her smile. She often wore baggy clothes and long cardigans to cover her curves.

"Shay, wear the dress Jessica bought you for your birthday." Aubrey said plopping on her bed. "No, it to short and tight." Shay said with her head down sitting next to Aubrey. "It's a little bit above your knees, plus you can wear one of your long ass cardigans with it." Aubrey said laughing a little.

"It's not funny, but I guess I can wear that. Match with me Bestfriend." Shay said walking to her dresser to get under garments. "Colors?" Aubrey said getting up to get ready. "A brownish beige color." Shay said looking him up and down  as he stared at her. "What?" She said confused to why he was staring. "Nothing, you're just beautiful. Aubrey said still looking at her. She was speechless. But started blushing. "Thank you Bestfriend" Shay said trying to hide her smile. "Aww Bestfriend, are you blushing?" Aubrey asked laughing. "Shut up!" Shay said playfully hitting him than running to the bathroom locking the door.

"When you come out I'm rockin yo shit fam" He said laughing. "Turn some music on please!" Shay screamed from the bathroom. Aubrey made a song about Shay and decided this would be a good chance to play it. "Wanna hear some of my new music?" He said loudly so she can hear. "Of course Bestfriend!" Shay screamed from the shower.

Aubrey started playing his song "jungle". He smiled to himself and walked to his room to get ready. Shay was listening to the song and started blushing. She knew the song was about her. After 20 minutes of showering, Shay finally finished. She wrapped her towel around her and walked into her room. She seen a letter laid on her bed with her clothes and everything set out for her. She picked up the letter and started reading....

"Dear Shay, I hope you liked the song. It was about you. Shay I'm in love with you, you're my everything. I can't even stomach the fact that what I'm about to tell you is going to change our friendship forever. I'm going on tour for 6 months. I'm going to miss you a lot. I wish you could come with me but you can't. I know you wanted me to come to the party with you and I wish I could've. Shay please just ride for me.
Love Always, Aubrey x Drake"

Shay was in tears. She didn't even get a bye. She was crushed. She was in love with Aubrey. Now she won't even see him for 6 months. Shay didn't know what to do. She was broken inside. She started throwing things around in her room and collapsed on the floor.

What Am I doing? Shay thought to herself. She got up and looked in the mirror. Her long wet curly hair rested on her shoulder. Her eyes were red, she had dry tears on her face, and had mean look on her face.

She changed her mind about the party. She decided not to go. She grabbed her phone and dialed Jahron's number. "Hello?" Jahron's deep voice spoke from the phone. "Hey Jahron, I won't be able to make it to the party." Shay said trying to hide the cracking in her voice. "Aww why not?" He said kinda upset. "Um something came up, maybe we can meet tomorrow for breakfast or something?" "Shay, what's wrong? You never cancel on me."

Shay wanted to tell him what was wrong, but she didn't know how. "I'll tell you tomorrow, meet me at bdubs @7?" She said trying to end the conversation. "Yea, I'll see you there."

Shay started to clean up the mess she made, but her friend Austin started calling her. She set her phone on the stand and answered the phone. "Wassup Shay Bae?" Austin said smiling into the camera. "Hey Austin" she said slightly smiling. "What's wrong with you?" Austin said with his eyebrows crunched up. "Aubrey left without saying bye." Shay said kinda sadly.

"Damn, so he just left? Without saying anything?" Austin said pissed. "Yea, he left a letter that said he was going on tour for 6 months." Shay said sadly. "Shay, don't be sad. He left a queen. He'll regret it." Austin said looking at her. "Austin can you come over?" Shay said trying to cheer up. "Yea, I'm on my way" he said hanging up.

In less than 10 minutes, he was knocking on her door. Shay quickly opened the door and let him in. "So wassup?" Austin said looking down on her since he was way taller than her. She was 5'6 and he was 6'9. "nothing really" she said looking up at him. "Then what you want?" He said looking at her. "You" She said looking down at her feet. "Word?" He said looking at her. "Yea" Shay said looking up at him.

They started into each other's eyes, & Austin leaned in. Shay took that as an opportunity and kissed him. It was like millions of fireworks went off. It was a long passionate kiss. Austin pulled away. "Shay I want you too, but long distance ain't gon work, and you know that." Austin said looking at her.

Austin lives in Chicago. Shay lives in Toronto. The only reason Austin is in Toronto now is because he was visiting his auntie. "Actually, that's why I wanted you to come over." Shay said walking into her room sitting on the bed. Austin gave her a confused look. "I'm moving to Chicago." Shay said. "Why?" Austin said still confused. "One, that's where all my friends live. Two, my family lives there. Three, I need to get outta Toronto. Fourth, you're there.

"Shay, Chicago ain't the place to be. It's too much violence out there, and ion want you out there" He said looking at her. "I don't care about the violence, it don't bother me. Do you not know who my father is?" She said kinda upset. "Yes, I know who your father is, but don't you think when he finds out you're trying to move out there he's going to be pretty upset?" Austin sighed. "Too bad if he's upset, I'm still moving out there." Shay said crossing her arms.

"Whatever man, I gotta go start packing, my flight leaves tonight." Austin said getting up. "See you in Chicago." Shay said smiling reaching for a hug. "You're a mess, you know?" Austin said laughing, then hugging her. "I get that a lot" Shay said laughing. "Bye Shay Bae" Austin said leaving.

Next Day....

It was 5:56pm. Shay was getting ready to meet with Jahron. She was in a good mood for some odd reason. She took a hot 10 min shower. And sat at her vanity. She finished her make up in 10 minutes. Since she had box braids, she put the top half in a neat bun, and let the back hang. She went to her closet and pulled out one of her cardigans, a white crop top, ripped jeans, & her brown ugg boots. It took her 30 minutes to get ready but she finally finished.

She grabbed her car keys, iPhone 6+, & her bag and headed outside. She hopped in her Black matte Audi R8 and headed to Bdubs.

She pulled up and saw a group of dudes standing outside. They had to be around 20-21. Shay was 20, so she didn't mind if they tried to talk to her. She got out the car and walked to the group of boys.

"Have y'all seen Party?" She asked looking up at all of them since they were all like 6'5-6'10, compared to her 5'6. "Jahron?" A tall lightskin boy. "How you know him, and what's y'all names?" Shay asked looking confused. "He's one of our friends, but I'm Isaiah, and that's Jay, Marcus, & Andre." The tall lightskin boy said. "Oh, well I'm Shay and I'm supposed to be meeting him here." Shay said looking them up and down. Shay thought that they were all fine, but she wasn't tripping off them. "Oh, come on. He said that you're gon be eating here with us." Andre said grabbing her hand leading her into the restaurant. She seen Jahron and smiled. "Hey J" she said taking a seat across from him, with Isaiah next to her, Andre across from him, and Jay And Marcus on the other side of Shay and Jahron. "Shay, my nigga" he said shaking up with her laughing. "I heard you leaving Toronto?" Jahron said raising his eyebrow. "Yea, how you know?" She said confused. "Jay told me" Jahron said pointing to Jay.

"Ion even know Jay, so Jay how you know?" Shay said looking at Jay confused. "Here it comes" Marcus said shaking his head. "Um well, you're my sister." Jay said looking at her with a serious face. "How?" Shay said confused. "We have the same dad..."


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