(1) Wolfy's Tag, You're It!

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  I feel like this is going to start a major war I'm not prepared for lmao   


1. post all the rules

2. tag 13 people

3. post 13 things about yourself

4. you must answer 13 questions provided by the tagger and write 13 more for the tagged people to answer

5. you cannot, under any circumstances, 'pass go'. 

6. must be completed within a week or the tagger will remind you 

7. Tag backs are allowed  

8. be creative with your questions and answers

Wolfy's Questions: 

1. Was your first thought; OH MY GOD NOT AGAIN!!! A: Uh no, because I've never been tagged.

2. What brought you to Wattpad? A: I don't exactly remember but I do know that it stemmed from me playing my DSi because I used to go on Flipnote Studio and I used to read stories until it was discontinued because of the 3DS. I don't know how exactly I found Wattpad. (*I remembered lol, there was a story on there that said "to continue check out my Wattpad" or something like that)

3. How many times a day do you check your Wattpad feed? A: Uhh not that much. Maybe once a day. I am usually busy so I only check when I get notifications.

4. Why did you start writing? A: I'm not sure about this one...I haven't actually ever "written" anything(Cause it's all in my drafts) but I did try to write a really crappy heterosexual story once, I ended it after 2 chapters though and moved to a different account..I actually have it in my drafts here lmao

5. Have you ever thought about changing anything in your life (like wishing you had handled things differently)? A: Ah yes. There are some situations where I wished I had handled things differently.

6. What is your favorite reading genre and why? A: I would say the homosexual section but there isn't one and I don't read other books sooo um maybe Fantasy??

7. When you read what is your preferred medium? (paperback, hardback, tablet, kindle) and why? A: Depending on the story really, but a paperback is easy to mold into your own style so I would prefer that if not on my phone.

8. Where is your favorite place to read? A: My bed.

9. What is your favorite place in the world to be? A: Holding my nephew.

10. What is your lucky charm? A: Lucky charm as in cereal or an actual charm? Cereal; The rainbow duh. Charm; My 'life' in Hebrew necklace and a pink rubber bracelet with the word 'believe' on it that my eldest sister gave to me for my birthday.

11. What is your favorite genre in movies/series? A: ANIME DUH. <3

12. What are your all time favorite classic movies? A: (Is this a classic?) Singing In The Rain or Mary Poppins.

13. Would you live in a different country if you could and why that country? A: Yes, I would move back to Oklahoma or Ohio because of family reasons. Although I would feel bad for my Dad for religious reasons.

Tag'n People: Sorry if you didn't want to do this .-. 






InfiniteTeal / 








13 Things About Myself: 

1. I am Jewish

2. I have a very uncertain relationship at the moment. 

3. I have blue eyes.

4. I used to be kinda blond when I was younger but I am a brunette now with small blond streaks you can barely see anymore.

5. I look like I have no eyebrows (cause they're so light^) which my guy friends think is hilarious.

6. I used to be suicidally depressed but my sassy/stubborn self finally developed and was like "Nope get that shit outta here."

7. My dad nicknamed me a "monkey" name; mohkuh (moo koo) because I climbed on everything and picked almost everything up with my toes...

8. I have fetishes if you haven't noticed.

9. I think I'm bipolar honestly, unless it's just being a girl.

10. I have a freckle on my right ass. And on my face too..

11. Pretty sure I might be bi not totally 100% sure yet. More like bi-curious.

12. I am a loner. Games are sadly 20% of my life. I wish to make them more but I can't atm.

13. Chocolate is life.

Tagged Peoples' Questions:

1. Height?

2. Favorite character in anything (books, movies, series, TV shows, Animes, etc.)?

3. If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? Why?

4. Favorite song? 

5. What's your eye color?

6. What is your most embarrassing memory?

7. What is your least favorite character from anything?(Alive or Dead)

8. Do you have a fetish? If so what is one?

9. How much did you weigh when you were born?

10. Do you have a current crush on anyone?

11. If you could rule a country, which one would you and why?

12. What's is your most favorite moment in life?

13. What's your favorite animal? Why?

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