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"To be completely honest,i'm not all that sure why you are taking us here."The blond said slowly,eyes flickering from the ground and back to Leorio. Gon scratched the back of his neck mindlessly. He hadn't ever gone through a sexual experience let alone gone to a strip club. A gay strip club. Gon had always known that Leorio and Kurapika knew that he had interests in boys. And it was almost annoying how they pushed for him to come out and confirm it(this was more Leorio than Kurapika.)He just wondered why he agreed to go to a club in the first place. Did Gon honestly seem like the club type of guy?

"Takes the edge off, kekek..for me at least."Leorio answered.

"Of course it takes the edge off for you."Kurapika couldn't help but roll his eyes. Gon dismissed Kurapika and Leorio's bickering as always. He swore those two fought like a married couple. Gon took his ID out from his back pocket and allowed the bouncer to look it over. He couldn't help but feel nervous.

Leorio,Kurapika,and Gon got into the club successfully. And Gon wished something had went wrong that prevented him from being there because he'd rather be anywhere else but at a strip club with Kurapika and Leorio. It wasn't his cup of tea. How was he supposed to hold himself together? A cute boy could barely brush his arm and his face would flush that pleasant pink color. He could do this. He was struggling to be positive-what if Mito finds out-what would she think of me?! Gon shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Leorio looked down at him,placing a big hand on his shoulder. "Ill be-"He paused to point to a section of the club that had small,silky red,tents. "Over there. Buzz me if you need me."Leorio pushed through the crowd and left a confused Kurapika and an uncomfortable Gon alone.
"I don't like this one bit."Kurapika crossed his arms over his chest and met Gon's eyes.
Gon nodded,agreeing with him. "But I guess Leorio really wants us to make the best of it.."
"I suppose you're right."Anyone could look at Kurapika and Gon and immediately get the drift that they didn't belong there.

  Gon knew his theory was true when a man came up to them. He clearly worked there,considering how he was dressed. He had a god given figure and soft looking fuchsia colored hair. He was lacking a shirt and Gon eyed the tattoos on his chest. On one collarbone there was a blue tear drop,and on the other was a maroon star. His pants were a tight black leather and they hung off his hips in a way that showed off his V-line. Well,he certainly was comfortable with his body,that was for sure. He had an unpleasant twisted smirk. A anything but charming upturn of his pale pink lips. The man made Gon uncomfortable by the way he was staring him down.

"I couldn't help but assume by the way you two were looking around that you've never been here before."He said,eyes not once leaving Gon. Kurapika picked up on this and spoke before Gon could get a single word in.
"Yes. But I'm sure we could figure our way around just fine,thank you."The blonde tapped his foot on the ground and looked up at him.

"Oh,I'm sure you could,Doll. But I wouldn't want to leave two gorgeous young boys by themselves in a club for the first time. The audience knows me as The Joker. But since we're friends-You can call me Hisoka~ The proud owner of The mad hatter,this club here."Hisoka gestured towards the club sign that hung above the bar.
Im not your friend and I'm not very sure I want to be! You weird me out! Gon thought. He wished he could text Leorio and told him he wanted to leave but would feel rude if he just whipped out his phone and started texting as someone was speaking to him.
Gon fidgeted nervously. "Uh..thanks for the information,I guess?"
Hisoka put his hands on Gon's shoulders and swung him around. "Oh my..you are darling. You don't know how to act in this kind of environment. Here,how about I set you up with one of the dancers I think you'll like. I would almost be jealous if I wasn't the one setting you up-hell i am jealous-i would eat you up-"After "hell I am jealous",Gon completely blocked out what Hisoka was saying. He wasn't sure if Hisoka was trying to flirt with him or not. He fell back into reality when he found himself being pushed through the crowd by Hisoka.
Hisoka had his hand on Gon's lower back as he guided him,

Mad hatter(A KilluGon fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now