[ILy] Chapter 1 First day

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only the beinning<3


                                                      First Day


  " I can't believe schools starting so fast!"

Demetria says while driving us to school. "I know right, I'm totally not ready for school. This is my third year of High School. It's not like all my years of High School have been drama filled it's just junior year for all my friends and, I really want good grades. My twin sister Demetria has always been the one out there, and loud i'm very to myself. "Oh look Semetria it's Gabby and Dre" she says in a weird way. "Oh really, how surprising when isn't  Gabby and Dre" I say with a sound of anger and sadness. As I walk out the car, I run into a big warm hug. When back away in fear I look up too see Dre.

Dre Huong, has been my crush for 3years but I haven't been able to tell him that. Since I recently have a boyfriend, theres really been no point.

"Semi Ann! I've missed you" he says. It takes me awhile to respond, since you know he's one of my crushes. "Oh my gosh, Dre I missed you so much too" I say, in a excited voice. "Have you seen Edwind lately?" Gabby says ruining the moment. Gabby Vuong, she is a good friend. But sometimes i don't trust her around Edwind she's very flirtatious. Right after I turn around I see Edwind Lao my, boyfriend   for two months "BABE!"  I say trying to scream as loud as possible. As he walks towards me I see Dre walk away with a  disappointed expression on his face.


"Babe, I missed you so much" he says as he hugs me. I was afraid my heart beating harder than lighting. The way I hugged him, felt so different from when I hugged Dre the feeling of  love, warmth, and safety just wasn't there. "Um.... Edwind we need to talk.."  I say in a kind of Worried and Anxious way" sure babe anything for you" he says,  not even knowing what was coming to him. " I think we need...." in the middle of my sentence the bell rings just my luck. I never thought of ever even  breaking up with edwind, but my time has come to do this. "SEMETRIA!" Dre says.



But we just walked in like nothing happened. As I walk in my second period Gabby looks at me in confusion but she had no idea what we did, what i've done. Actually I have no idea what I did, but I  screwed up real bad.


As I sit next to Gabby and look at her and half smile, "oh look who decided to come to second period Semetria Ann Marley Tod" she says in her snobby humor. As I glare at her, I say to myself " ha you wish you were doing what I was doing during homeroom and, first period", as the teacher talks on about how the new school year should start off and, behavior. I just started to wonder off not noticing anything else. Well until I got hit with a paper ball. As I  open it , I look around to see who threw it so I can   glare at them. When I open it it says,

Dude what the heck where were you Homeroom and, first period if mom and dad  finds out you  skipped or w/e you're dead.. SMH


When I was done reading it I turn  around  to see my sister shaking her head. When I responded I tired as hard as possible to hide what really happened.

i waz in the office, they called me in to change my schedule but they ended up not. :/

whoop DE doo Basel <33


Lame, excuse I guess but it was obviously worked cause she changed the subject after that.


So dude are you serious about breaking up with Edwind. If so what  r u going to do after den? :O


It was really kind of surprising. She asked me that I don't even know how she found out. But I really wasn't consired.

 i dunno  well yeah I'm going to break up with him. I just don't feel the spark anymore. I think i'll do it after class.. *sob face*



I was really nervous. After awhile we stopped writing.

The  whole day I couldn't quiet tell Edwind we we're over. IT couldn't come out my mouth, it was so hard. After school I looked threw out the whole school and couldn't find Edwind. But something else I wanted  to happen , happened. A text message from Dre.

3:34 PM 9/4/11

Dre:Semi??? :O

Me: Dre!

Dre: I waz Wondering If..

Me:Yes? LAWL

Dre: If you would want to go to HighSchool Night wit ME?

Me: YES! i mean i thought you were going wiyt Gabby? *CURIOUS*


Dre:No who told you that

Me: No one i just supposed surry

Dre:Don't apologize [ily]

Me: [ily2] My answer is yus~

Dre: YES!! I can't wait till tonite, today was great i was glad to c your beautiful face!

Me:OMG dre, stop your making me blush..

Dre:I love making you Blush i don't see it as a bad thing.

Me: It's Not LOL.

Dre: When are you going to break up with Edwind D:<

Me:Today,hey im going to text him righht now i'll hit you later .[ily]

Dre:Ok,beautiful [ily]  Can't wait for tonight <33

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2011 ⏰

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[ILy] Chapter 1 First dayWhere stories live. Discover now