The Red (A short horror story)

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'cant wait!' you thought 'its been such a long time, i wonder if she is still the same as she was in school' you were on your way to meet a school friend that you hadnt seen for 5 years. 5 years is such a long time, but to you, it seems to have flown by.

you look out of the taxi window and see the beautiful countryside scenes fly past. your mind wanders to the past, when you and your friends were so carefree and could do whatever you wanted, you missed those times.

at last the car stops and you step out. its now cloudy and beginning to get walk up the path to your friends house. she opens the door and invites you in. in no time you are chatting and having fun when your friend remembers a photo album she has kept...she told you to wait in the corridor as she rushed upstairs to get it.

while you are waiting alone in the corridor you hear faint music coming from a room further down the corridor. out of curiosity, you find yourself following the sound. you end up in front of the door

you tried to open the door but it was locked. 'weird' you thought. so you looked through the keyhole and you see a little girl dancing. you lifted your head up, 'that was even weirder'  you lower your head and look through the keyhole, but this time you only see RED. now you were even more confused. each time you looked through the keyhole you would see a little girl dancing then when you look away and then look again you would just see RED

now you were really confused and wanted to get to the bottom of it. so you asked your friend about the girl and the "red". she looked at you sadly and said:

"we keep that room locked. it was my sisters room but she died a long time ago. she had red eyes"

                                                        ......she had RED eyes......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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