Chapter 1, Arrival

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(No ones' P.O.V)

(Y/n) sighed as he looked out from the window of the private plane. The flight was already 12 hours in and he predicted (correctly) the jet-lag was not going to be kind to him.

Honestly, it was mere instinct why he suddenly decided to up and leave to Paris for the duration of his Summer vacation. His parents whole heartedly agreed to the idea (He knew they didn't, but it was nice to see that they tried) of him taking a vacation there. Even going as far as to setup a stay with one of their family in Paris. Specifically with his cousin. He didn't remember who's side, and frankly he didn't think he ever knew his cousin's parents, but he did know his cousin, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After the family reunion he had actually gotten to know her quite well, and thanks to the use of letters(and asking his parents for international stamps, and eventually, a laptop) he had gotten to know her quite well. Including her latest infatuation, Adrien Agreste. (Y/n) himself didn't see the appeal of the young man but this was Marinette, honestly, he would have thought that Nathaniel was more appealing in terms of appearance, but that was just his opinion. He would see personally what all the fuss was about in a few hours most likely.

As he felt the plane land finally, he took the chance to switch on his cellphone and check any messages upon arrival.

From: Mari: Hey! I heard you were going to land soon, can't wait to see you again! Hope you don't get lost ;P.

(Y/n) could feel himself grin slightly at the text, yes he was excited, but he was also here for another reason. Which happened to be Lady Bug and Cat Noir.

He had been seeing news reports for weeks, and honestly, he didn't think much of it until the video caught exactly why these super villains had been seeking the two out. Miraculous. Something that (Y/n) himself was studying for personal reasons. Namely, he had one too.

"You think we're going to see others like me?" Musse, the kwami, popping up from his messenger bag. (Y/n) simply hummed as he scratched one of Muse's ears. He had a bit of a wolf appearance to him. Hence (Y/n)'s alternate identity.

"Most likely," (Y/n) finally said, lifting his hand away from the kwami to type out a reply to Marinette, "honestly, I don't want to transform while I'm in Paris. Maybe a few weeks from now, but hopefully, not right away. That would not be good, and obvious".

"As obvious as Ladybug's identity?" Musse said, tilting his head a little. (Y/n) laughed, yes. He had figured out who lady bug's identity the instant he saw her picture. It was pretty darn obvious. It's not like Marinette had changed her hair style or anything. She literally just gained a suit and a more leader-like personality. That's pretty much all that happened. With Chat Noir, he had his suspicions, but he couldn't assume anything concrete until he saw if his assumptions were correct.

"I am personally surprised no one has made the connection yet," (Y/n) muttered, "is it that hard to make the connections? Or is it because I know Mari".

"Well, I'm sure there's a reason why she hasn't been discovered".

(Y/n) snorted, "It would be so much easier if she went out with it, from her description, Adrien would notice her more in a romantic view if she admitted who she was".

"Ah, but human affection is an unpredictable thing".

"True," (Y/n) acknowledged, "but I can't help but wonder if Mari's feelings are true. She talks about Chloe and her rudeness, narcissism, and overall sour moods more often than she's been talking about Adrien for the past month".

"Perhaps her affection has been diverted to an alternate source?"

"Actually that might be so, it happened about three weeks ago, it makes be wonder if it has anything to do with the incident where Mari was blamed for the disappearance of Chloe's bracelet, then was later returned by, Lady Bug. It's certainly a cause for suspicion".

Well, whatever the case, (Y/n) would most likely find out what was going on once he arrived. Attending the fashion class-thing with Marinette would certainly be interesting. He himself preferred the world of anime, comics, and other subjects, but designing clothes may prove to be an interesting experience. He lightly rubbed on his glasses that Musse would inhabit whenever he transformed, a form of comfort over the years.

"We'll just have to wait and see right?" He said smiling before getting up and picking up his bag with Musse securely inside. Grabbing his luggage from the overhead before exiting the plane. One of the perks of your parents working so much on their company, private planes are awesome sometimes.


A/n: I like Marinette too much to leave her out in the cold like that, so there's an alternate option for her while you -points at the reader- have the attention of these two fine young men. Hope you enjoyed this little snippit, and hope you'll wait for the next chapter! -Anon 06

p.s. cover comming soon, and if anyone wants to draw any future covers, drop me a message.

The Wolf Of Angeles (Cat Noir/Adrien X Male!Reader x Nathaniel)Where stories live. Discover now