this really isn't a poem. not sure what to call it. but it was a dream I had..
me my mom and some of my family went with me to find my girlfriend. we ended up at this weird abandoned motel looking thing. all the people that were there I went to school with and we were suppose to be friends. they took the keys and tried to make you follow them. something about them was hypnotising. but I knew something weird was going on. so I went crazy not like actual crazy. but one reason was because they had my family and right after.they took them I heard my girlfriend cry. eventually they got me put in the room with some people. well I wasn't giving up. I broke out of there when everyone was sleeping. I went to the desk and took every pair of keys there were. I got our set of keys. the first thing I did was find the place where the woman who ran it was. I killed her along with the guards. after that I went looking; I found were my mom, cousin, and my little sister and two little brothers. along with my older sister and my younger sister. I gave them the keys and told them to get oout of here as quiet as possible. they asked why I wasn't going I said.I have to find her I have to find my girlfriend she's the love of my life and I can't give up....
I found her in like some storage room she looked scared.. I told her to take My hand so we can get out of there. at first she hesitated. then she folllowed.
I set the other set of keys outside everyones door after I unlocked them and opened them. we got to the car and the first thing I did was hug her, cry and kiss her. we got out of there safely we met up with my people and then all went home where we bbelonged...