I've been tagged to do this

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Tagged by ForeverSupportingMJ

I tag:



1. You must tag 13 people
2. Then they have to reveal 13 facts about themselves
3. They must answer all questions
4. No refusing!
5. You can't comment here
6. You must post these rules
7. Your post has to have a unique title
8. This has to be done within a week!

13 Facts about me:

1. I'm British and yes I do like tea
2. My favourite food is KFC
3. I'm not one to judge anyone unless people judge me
4. I'm a very creative person - I believe my purpose in this world is to create.
5. I'm mildly autistic and sometimes, it's hard to understand or talk to people.
6. I write songs, stories, a couple poems and raps occasionally
7. In real life, I swear even though I censor any cursing in my stories e.g. "F***!"
8. My 3 favourite things to do are writing, drawing and singing
9. My favourite animals are Dolphins and cheetahs
10. When Michael Jackson's death came on the news, I was 8 and my class and I were working on a school show where we had to sing "Heal The World".
11. I first wanted to discover Mariah's music after watching a Bart Baker parody of "Problem" by Ariana Grande.
12. I'm very shy
13. I'm scared of heights

Questions asked by ForeverSupportingMJ

Q1: What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is Purple, and then after that, it's Blue, then Orange.

Q2: What is your favourite song?

That's very hard to choose, even if we're talking MJ songs!

My 3 favourite MJ songs are:

"Heal The World"
"Liberian Girl"
"I Just Can't Stop Loving You"

If we're talking any song at all, it can easily be "Petals" By Mariah Carey.

Q3: If not Michael, out of which brothers would you choose to be your boyfriend?

I'm not too sure, no one's better than Michael.

Q4: Favourite Movie?


Q5: If you had a time machine to go back to any decide, what would it be?

The 90s!

Q6: If you were trapped in a room with Michael, with no way to get out, and you had only one day to live, how would you spend your last day together in the room?

Wow, this is deep...I think we would have a pretty deep conversation about being creative, how much we love the people we love, and thanking him for inspiring me and maybe sing together - maybe he could teach me some dance moves why not?

Q7: Favourite game?

I love the Sims so much! I have a 3DS and I just bought "The Sims 3" for DS and I love it! I also love "Tomodachi Life".

Q8: Favourite season?

Winter, because of Christmas, my birthday and I love snow and cold weather.

Q9: What is your zodiac sign?

♓️ Pisces! ♓️

Q10: Out of all my books, besides the big book of MJ pervs, which is your favourite book of mine?

Damn, I really need to read more of your books! The only one I've read is "The Unknown Love Story Of Michael Jackson" and I love it!

Q11: What is your favourite beverage?

I drink Water most of the time, but I love Cherry Coke/Cherry Coco cola, mint-choc chip ice cream shake from Pizza Hut and hot chocolate.

Q12: What is your favourite comfort food?

KFC, Cake, Pizza, you name it, I'll eat it! Just not crisps, I don't like most brands or flavours.

Questions for the tagged to answer:

1. Who are your top 3 favourite artists/bands?
2. What is your favourite season?
3. How tall are you?
4. How you doing?
5. Have you read any of my stories? If so, any favourites?
6. Who are your ships?
7. What genres of books do you read?
8. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
9. If you were the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?
10. If you could have anything in the whole world right now, what would it be?
11. Do like music right now? Or do you prefer music from before?
12. What's one of your best memories?

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