The escape

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X 1 : okay guy today where going to escape

(Guys is finally out I hpe you guy enjoy it :-)

X 3 : he'll yeah

X 6 : I will not miss this place

Then all of us went to our rooms and fall sleep but we were not asleep look every single night at midnight they come and check on us we have to go to our rooms and check if all of us are here few hours later the guy that check on us but we going to ambush him to get the keys because when our rooms close they can only open in the front but he has the keys also we have collar that ma stop us from using our power my name is beast and my friends are call grim,froger, Shisui,angel, Albert, also we can get that he'll out of this!!!

Guy : experiment 27 (he had a check list that were here and he was crossing out our names if were here) Experiment 28 29,30,31,32.

The all of us fell down on him the we knocked him out

Candle : I got the keys

Froger : alright lets go

When unlock his collar then pass it to me then grim and it goes on and it goes on after we got out of our sell but a we walk out of our sell after walking out some the some guard's saw us then.

Guard : hey stop right !!!

Grim : rruunnn!!

Then the guard started shooting at us but he missed the shots but grim notice that they were tranquilizer dart.

Grim : guy he not trying to kill us he trying to capture us !!!

Guard : I need back up some of subjects have(using he radio)

Shisui : guys he sending back up !!

Albert : then stop the talking and more running!!

Then the alarm started going on then on the way in we found the weapon room.

Groger : guy I think this is the weapons room.

Grim : then gear up and let's fight back !!!

We took the sum guns and started shooting back but we couldn't manage to control them so we were shooting like mad man's

Beast : how that he'll we control this things

Albert : like this (he show us how to used them until we were in the main room)

Then after knocking out some we where running for our lives but we enter in a room that had many scientists in it but also there was a tall man it look like a business man but all of us were pointing at him

X: hello boys

Grim : show us the exit or we are going to put a hole in your four head !!!

X : okay okay calm down follow me.

Then all of us were following him but being really care full if there's any surprise's then we finally arrived
To a big door that look it was the exit then more guards came pointing at us from far.

Guard 1 : hold your position and we will not shoot

Then the guy thta we took husteg (I dint know how it was spell it) then he raise he hand in a signal

Guard 2: yes sir

Then we walked out and all this time we were in a city then all of us separate we different ways.

X: let's go in

Soldier 1: but sir they are dangerous.

X : I know someone give me all the information now!!

Grim - age 13
Family - none
Power - teleportation
White hair 7ft tall one eye green the other one galaxy blue weight

Albert - age 13
Family - none
Power - Incredible intelligence
Brown hair 6ft tall brown dark eyes

Froger - age 13
Family - none
Power - super speed
Black hair brown eyes 5ft tall

Angel - age 13
Family - none
Power - weathered control
Blond hair blue eyes 6ft tall

Shisui - age 13
Family - none
Power - energy blast's
Black hair 7ft tall black eyes

Beast(me)-age 13
Family - none
Power - animal shade shift
Brown hair emerald green eyes 6ft tall

X- I see can they use their powers (telling a scientists)

Scientists - no yet sir it make take years to know their powers

X : then okay but lets still make the other subject more testing got it !!!

Scientist : yes sir ( in a scare tone)

To be continued......

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