The girl with the marked arms

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There was a girl in my class who would always smile

She had joy and she laughed but it only lasted a while

She had confidence and strength and she always stood tall

Until one day she came to school and her moral would just fall

Then the next morning I noticed when she rolled up her sleeves

I saw the red marks and white scars the knives leave

Not knowing what to do I decided to just let it pass

Not knowing the sadness of that girl in my class

As the days went on she got worse and worse

If only I had been the good friend at first

So I watched her grow week and torment herself

As if she where an old toy I had left on the shelf

Then one day at school this girl wasn't there

I thought about it for a bit but no one else seemed to care

Then days turned to weeks and weeks to months

When the girl with the marked arms never showed till lunch

I started to worry but by then it was too late

For the girl with the marked arms was already full of hate

So I reached out to help but the very next day

The girl with the marked arms was taken away

With a rope around her neck she said her last prayer

Then she kicked the chair away and took her last final of air

Thus the story of the girl with the marked arms

Poem by teenage_afflictions

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