Chapter |1| Its not a hat sir!

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Today was an okay day.

I dropped my binder and had all my stuff scatter across the hallway as people laughed at me. You see, I'm not a klutz or anything but when you are texting your parents about how you want tacos for dinner instead of stir fry you aren't exactly paying attention to when people set backpacks in front of your feet as you are walking.

I guess I should have paid more attention. I should know better by now since I have been getting tripped and bullied and what not for around 3 years. It's a pretty common occurrence around these parts.

I stand up and straiten my skirt and now disheveled hair and leave all my stuff laying on the floor as I walk away.

Everyone scoffs at my seemingly fake bad assery. But I honestly don't care.

"Don't you want all your homework and notes?" A girl giggles as she kicks it over to me. The hall which has seemed to double in people watching this interaction with one, Layla Aveeno, bursts into a fit of chuckles and giggles.

"No Layla I think I'm good. But I think you need to take notes on something really fast."

"Oh yeah and what's that? You horrible fashion sense?" Her fake eyelashes, excuse me, awnings, flutter and her hand goes up to accept a high five from one of her brainwashed "friends".

"Not not that. I'm going to say this again very slowly. I... Do... Not... Care." I finished and walked away, hearing a collection of gasps and "ooh's" I smiled and continued walking to my last hour class of the day. Finally.

You may wonder how a girl who is bullied can get away with being so rude and not get killed for even thinking about it. It's pretty simple. I'm sure you can guess what I'm about to say.

Everybody with me now!


This isn't going to be like your normal story about a girl who is bullied that has depression and is always trying to kill herself but has a big handsome boy who loves her but she's to oblivious to notice. This is the story of me. I'm bullied, that part is the same, I don't have depression, I don't want to kill myself constantly, and I don't have some big handsome boy who loves me. I wish the last one was true but alas. I'm a single Kringle (Danish pastry) who's ready to mingle.

I didn't mind picking up my binder and all my papers because none of them are done. They are the extras I take from the class so I can recycle them because I know the teachers will just throw them away.

And I was not, I repeat, NOT going to bend over in front of all my classmates, who oddly enough knew that something was happening and flocked over to watch. Like seriously do they have radar that beeps every time something big is happening. Are they like in homeroom and they are all like "my spidy senses are tingling".

Once I reached the end of the hallway I looked back before Turing the corner and say everybody staring at me. I knew I should have not worn my super loud sandals today. Once everyone saw me look back they finally dispersed knowing there won't be any more action so they might as well get to their class before they are late.

Like I said today was pretty good. There were no beat ups or too much name calling. Of course the normal ones but none that were new that hit my heart.

To be fair, some of the kids at my school are really clever. A kid would tell me to "faw-sit my ass down" before he punches me in the throat. I couldn't help but laugh at that one. He punched me in the throat anyway for being disrespectful.

I continued my walk to P.E when a door opened and out walked Ryan. My biggest bully. And by biggest I mean BIGGEST. He was a giant. He towered over me like I was a shrimp and he was a whale. He's the only once who truly scares me. Of course I don't show him but deep down I am peeing my pants.

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