Darling's Secret

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It's been two weeks since Ever After High was taken over by the Evil Queen, two weeks since Raven and Apple locked the Evil Queen back in the mirror realm, and two weeks since Apple was awoken by her kiss (well...it was technically CPR...but lips touched lips and Apple woke up). Ever since, Darling hasn't been able to face Apple. This had worried Apple greatly, wondering why the knight was ignoring her, but no one would tell her. Darling knows this and is thankful for it, but as Darling walks through the halls of Ever After High, her thoughts wander to all of the "what if"s. What if I tell Apple what happened? What if I let her continue believing it was Daring? What if I let them live Happily Ever After and I stayed her Knight?

"What if you just, I don't know, talked to Apple?" A voice said from behind Darling, causing her to jump.

"Raven!" Darling exclaims, clutching her chest tightly. "You almost scared the Hex out of me!"

Raven smirked, her left hand resting on her hip. "Honestly, Darling, you've been so easy to scare recently. You've also been talking to yourself. Out Loud. A lot. Though it has been spelltastic ease dropping, I think you need to talk to Apple." Darling opened her mouth to protest, but Raven held up her free hand. "Seriously, what are you afraid of? Apple is one of your closest friends!" At this, Darling looked away, her shoes suddenly that much more interesting. Raven narrowed her eyes. "She is one of your closest friends, right?" A sheepish nod was given, the complete opposite of Darling's usual confidence. "Ok, Darling, you're really starting to freak the Hex out of me. What's up?"

Darling looked around before facing Raven. "Can we...talk somewhere else?"

Raven nodded. "I finished all of my classes. Do you want to go to the forest?" Darling nodded and, side by side, she and Raven walked out the front door and towards the stable.


Apple White sighed. Why was one of her closest friends avoiding her? "Did I do something to hurt her?" She mumbled to herself. She didn't mean to hurt Darling if she did and she would gladly apologize. That has proven quite difficult as Darling hasn't been back to her dorm since classes were out. Apple had checked the Library, but the only ones there were those Evil Step Librarians and Alistar, who didn't know where Darling was either.

Apple was almost ready to give up for the day until she saw Daring and Dexter, Darling's older brothers. "Daring! Dexter!" Apple called out to them.

Daring and Dexter froze at the voice. They both turned to run. The brothers choked when Apple caught them by their collars and dragged them down to eyelevel. An innocent smile spreads over her lips. "We need to talk."


Raven leaned against one of the trees in the clearing that they were in only a couple of weeks ago. Was it really only a week ago, she ponders. Raven patiently watched Darling pace back and forth, indistinct mumbling coming from her lips. "Darling, what's going on?"

Darling stoped pacing and stared at Raven with such intensity, it causes the witch to tense slightly. "Whatever I tell you never leaves this clearing nor your mouth, understand?" Raven nods, her eyes widened slightly. Darling started pacing again before stopping and looking towards Ever After High. "Raven, my story may be written out as me being a Damsel - in - Distress, but that's never been me. Not really. It's why I'm a Rebel. I wanted to be what Daring is supposed to be. Going out, saving Princesses, and being a Knight in Shining Armor. And I do that. But...a Knight needs his or, in my case, her princess...and mine...Mine is Apple."

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Darling-"

"Let me finish, please." Raven nodded. "Well, I..." Darling clears her throat. "I don't want to be anyone else's Knight. I want to be by Apple's side. Whether that be as a protector or lover, I don't care. As long as I'm near her, I'll be content."

Raven straightened, her eyes studying Darling's back. "Darling...are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Darling turned to face Raven with her shoulders back, chest puffed out, and determination set in her eyes. "Raven, I love Apple."


It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm working on some new chapters and finishing this work. Get ready, ladies, gents, and pals. It's going to be a wild ride.

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