I'm not such a bad guy

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Greed sat in the Devils nest two lovely ladies beside him star reading her books sitting in a black leather chair. She huffed in anger seeing greed flirt with the other girls her eyes become upset and she tapped her foot pouting slightly. Greed sighs softly, seeing her face upset he took a drink of his scotch walking over and pulling her tight against him as his eyes fastened on her, becoming intense

" Don't be like that my little thing!" His voice rough as he grabbed stars chin roughly, bringing her gaze to his.

" My babydoll must stay happy" a wicked grin spreading across his cheeks as he kisses her forcefully.
Star face began to flush as her black blood rushed to her cheeks giving her face a black/grey  color blush as she pressed her small hands against his shoulders not leaning away but not leaning in she whimpers as his sharp teeth cut her lips making them bleed. A chuckle made the room shiver, greed pulling away with a soft sigh, his tounge sliding over his teeth as he tasted stars black blood

" so sweet" he looked at her again, taking a moment to brush her dyed red hair out of her face before placing a hand at her neck, his thumb trailing her jawline. She held onto his hand softly not moving his hand from her neck but having her small finger trace his knuckles softly she stared down at his chest she always had issues with looking people in the eyes. She leaned into greed's hand slightly as blood ran down her now grey colored swollen lips. His hand grasped hers, as her fingers ran over his knuckles like porcelain, as he leaned forward and took an embracr against her neck, his rough lips against her soft nape of her neck. Breathing in her rosey and vanilla scent

"you have such a delicious smell, my little doll!" He roughly kissed down to her collarbone as his large hands held her small hands. Tracing down her arms, and down her fragile frame. Star blushed letting out a soft gasp hugging him tightly her fingers tugged at his shirt and hair. The other woman looked on at star with jealous and rage. star let out a whimper hiding her head in the nape of greed's neck. Greed looked over at the other girls with a ferocious intent in his eyes, setting star to the side softly, his eyes became intense, as he grabbed tje girl to his right roughly, and pulling her in to a kiss. Holding her tightly as her lips bleed, the girl tried to push away softly, afraid, fearfull....and an accidental snap could be heard...he had broken her back from trying to keep her in his grip forgetting his strength. Star just watched taking greed's hands and giving his hands soft kisses.

" a-all d-done...no more.." She said as the girls body went limp. Star hugged his arm holding his fingers softly trying to calm him by rubbing his palm making little circles with her fingers.
Greed snarls he always forgot how strong he was.

" why does EVERTHING have to be so damn weak!" He crossed his arms watching the other girl run away as star tried to calm his temper he always had a vile temper.

" all my things break...." Greed put a cigarette in his mouth and started down at star softly. Star hugged him nuzzling his neck softly.

" i-I won't break I p-promise..." She said softly she let her fingers find their way to his jaw line and softly stroked his cheek. Greed let out a sign and pulled her fame close to his body.

" promise..." Greed asked resting his head on top of her head.

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